police insider


We provide unbiased and authentic footage of incidents captured on body cams. We believe this footage can be used as an educational guide for viewers. We only provide unique and original content that hasn’t been covered before on Rumble. The raw footage for the videos on this channel has been obtained directly from the respective social media platform. Most incidents may require several days to process. The channel is not affiliated with any law enforcement agency. Our channel is compliant with Rumble's Fair Use Policy as we create a storyline and cut down several hours of long footage to a few minutes to bring out the most entertaining and educational parts, just like other channels . Featured content is NOT intended to publicly shame, ridicule, or degrade the individuals involved or to glorify violence in any way.

Jennifer McWilliams


Jennifer has spent the last 2 years educating Indiana parents on the dangers of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and how to stop it. The organization that she built is now the largest parental rights education group in Indiana. Jennifer is currently working to educate and activate people across America to fight this radical program. SEL is transforming the attitudes, values, morals & worldview of this generation of children and it must be stopped systemically. Jennifer has the knowledge, passion and experience to help freedom loving patriots do exactly that and she is looking forward to building this movement from coast to coast. To learn more about Jennifer: https://www.jennifermcwilliamsconsulting.com