Agenda 21 | 2030 | 2050


The Channel will show you the Demolition of Your Freedom through the Frankfurt School, Green Deal, The Great Reset 2021-2030-2050, Plandemics, Economic Crises, and Hyperinflation. -- "We Defeated The Wrong Enemy" ~General George S. Patton -- In July 1945 Patton warned that: "Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race & we are about to replace them with Mongolian savages & all Europe will be Communist." -- Their view of the World - White People Are ONLY 9% of the Worlds Population, Why Aren't They Considered a Minority? White Europeans represent 9% of the world population and that is plummeting. This is not just across a global aggregate but they compose a shrinking proportion of the population in their own nations. This is absolutely unimaginable. The only reason that they aren’t considered a minority group is because the focus here is that “The World is only the West” The focus of the intelligentsia-bourgeoisie complex that directs the modern West sees only what White people have done “wrong”. Ever hear about the Barbary Slave Trade in schools? No? Where Whites were traded in larger numbers and with greater brutality than the West African Slave Trade? No? This complex pushes its conception of “The West is the World” and says white people aren’t a minority because they are the only ones remarkable enough to achieve the accumulation of capital goods and superstructural sophistication they have. But in reality it is because the West had Embraced Christianity. The "complex" purposely evokes envy and hate within the majority towards the minority. Why not remove the haters of the descendant of the founding stock of the United States? Start looking after the interests and well being of those of European-American stock. "Anyone anti-White, anyone who hates European-American's - you're going to have to be removed."

Karl Art Reid


Art, comics, tutorials, fun drawings and sketches, plus discussions on topics through games, anime, movies and manga!!! I post EVERY Saturday on my "showAndTell" series, a fun and "quirky" show full of memes, laughs and banter while drawing (realtime or timelapsed) WITH commentary. I am also starting to post 1-2 times a week with art vlogs, discussions and tutorials. For all things arts Welcome to the Karlartreid channel! "Let's build this QUIRKY COMMUNITY TOGETHER" :D "IT'S A HUGE JOURNEY AND I WANT YOU ALL TO BE PART OF IT"! 🔔LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for FUN! ART VIDEOS, & TUTORIALS INCLUDED but batteries, snacks and drinks sold seperately T&C's apply (see in more details below) 👍👍👍👍 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1st Goal 100 subs

MonstroMarthias777 (John)


My name is MonstroMarthias or HolyBeast (you can call me John) (formerly JohnnySkulls87). I used to be a YouTube creator, but I don't anymore, so I decided to start over here as MonstroMarthias777. I am a strong Christian man with a soul for music and artistry, mostly inspired by My Singing Monsters (an award-winning mobile game by Big Blue Bubble). I like to use my content to help others and make people happy. I hope you enjoy whatever content I have here on Rumble, and God Bless. I do content for My Singing Monsters (independently, not for its community), Team Fortress 2, Gaming, and Art/Music/Animation projects, as well as content for my brand "Edenitus United" I fight for a free, more just, and honorable society here. No LGBTQ garbage (this involves radical, identity politics or gender ideology that gets shoved into everything, not hurting or witch-hunting people. Gays Against Groomers is an exception cause there are GOOD homosexuals, meaning gays, bis or lesbians who respect people and believe that nobody should be forced into politics involving gender ideology) no feminism, no BLM political nonsense, or any of those agendas will be tolerated here or shoved into our faces, or even our children's. I had enough going along with the Woke agenda and today, I draw a line in the sand with my content support for the Lord's people.



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