If you are like most people there are a number of questions that have occurred to you. Who did create the universe, What did create the earth, Who or what created man, and why was man formed from the dust or particles of the earth? It has been said that we are spirit, soul and body. The soul is the inner force or energy that keeps the body active. Spirit is the Divine inspiration and the intellect is the processor within the soul. By what avenue does the spirit link with the soul? That link is the mind.



Hello there Its Hamza2227! Welcome to Rumble the virtual amusement park for your eyeballs! It's the place where cat videos and conspiracy theories hold hands, where makeup tutorials and epic fail compilations ride roller coasters together, and where you can take a wild ride from 'How to Build a Treehouse' to 'Aliens' Top 10 Dance Moves.' It's a magical land where your procrastination dreams come true, and your watch history becomes a fascinating psychological profile. So grab your popcorn, hit that subscribe button like it owes you money, and prepare for a whirlwind adventure through the realm of infinite entertainment. Just remember, if you start quoting Rumble comments in real life, it might be time to take a break

Think and Say ?


THINK & SAY offers articles, commentaries, discussions and interviews, on a variety of topics. Such as Sex, Money, Relationship, Lifestyle, Religion, Health, Politics and other cultural issues. On Our Think & Say Podcast; We will ask the - Who? What? Why? Where? When? & How? In an effort to having ongoing discussions that may clarify some differences and opinions. We’re not looking to take sides, only eager to place the decision-making in the hands of our audience and community. Our goal is to educate people through our content creators. Question Everything & Let's Talk About it...



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