FDU Wealth Management Advisory Club


Hello and Welcome to the FDU Wealth Management Advisory Club. Wealth Management Advisory Club aims to provide a space where students can develop an understanding of Wealth Management, learn the importance of setting goals to achieve financial success, enable students to discover their career passions, and create a sense of community for those interested in Wealth Management Advisory. This club is open to not just all FDU Silberman Business Majors, but all majors at FDU are invited to come and join the club. We meet every Thursday at 5 PM in Mansion Room 12 on the Florham Campus and on Zoom for the Metro Campus. You can also watch our meetings LIVE on Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, Rumble, & GETTR.

Fabio Fernandes


🇧🇷 O princípio de troca voluntária é a base do livre mercado, e com a qual os consumidores exprimem as suas preferências. Então por quê querem tanto limitar nossas escolhas como consumidores? Liberdade para Escolher é o primeiro programa em português dedicado à liberdade do consumidor. De novidades do mercado à leis e regulamentações. Cada semana, Fabio traz de forma leve e com entrevistas, os assuntos mais quentes que afetam os consumidores, para você ficar bem informado. ------------------------- 🇺🇸 The principle of voluntary exchange is the basis of the free market, and with which consumers express their preferences. So why are policymakers so keen to limit our choices as consumers? Freedom to Choose is the first program in Portuguese dedicated to consumer freedom. From market news to laws and regulations. Each week, Fabio brings you in a light and enjoyable way the hottest topics that affect consumers, so you are always well informed.



HAM RADIO This net is held every Sunday at 11:00 AM Eastern time. There are multiple ways to connect to this net including Allstar, Echolink, DMR, Fusion, Peanut, Zello, and Team Speak. Please join our Facebook group page where you will find a comprehensive list of ways to connect to the system. Our Facebook page is World Wide Ragchew Amateur Radio Net and can be reached by following this link. Come join in the fun and enjoy meeting your fellow hams from all over the world! https://www.facebook.com/groups/86376...