A Rood Awakening


Former US Marine, Michael Rood, dares to go where few men have gone before; to challenge long-standing traditions and man-made religious systems and to guide all "who have ears to hear" to a historically accurate interpretation and rational understanding of the Hebrew Scriptures. Michael Rood has earned his reputation as the Messianic matador who waves his tattered red cape in the face of the religious bull of this generation, finally roasting the golden calf of churchianity and serving it up with the leaven-free bread of life. Michael's television series: Prepare for A Rood Awakening! from Israel has been heralded as the most energetic exposition of Scriptural truth to come out of Israel in over a millennium! Visit our video website: http://michaelrood.tv and download the Michael Rood TV App!

Apocatastasis Institute


Apocatastasis is a place where the pristine ideal of a school has been restored: teacher and students gathered in discussion around serious texts. Shorn of childish props like grades, GPAs, and credentials, the school proudly rights two errors in contemporary education: the tendency to inculcate bourgeois sentiments, and predatory financing. Public or private, religious or secular, in a formal classroom or at the home-school kitchen table, all forms of schooling are guilty of these distortions. Apocatastasis replaces the long-fallen purpose of education: the acquisition of knowledge for its own sake. Our coursework focuses on the history, art, and culture of the West. Giving a thorough foundation in the humanities, we avoid the unnecessarily long and expensive route of modern education.

Sargento Fahur Oficial


Sou o Gilson Cardoso Fahur, Natural de Londrina - PR, por 35 anos atuei como policial militar rodoviário. Fui integrante da ROTAM da 4ª Companhia da Polícia Rodoviária Estadual do Paraná, na cidade de Maringá. Me tornei nacionalmente conhecido pelo sucesso nas operações que liderei e também pela linha dura em minhas atuações como policial militar rodoviário, realizei grandes apreensões de entorpecentes que ganharam o noticiário local e nacional. Também me tornei notório pelas declarações enérgicas contra criminosos em entrevistas a reportagens jornalísticas que viralizaram pelas redes sociais, particularmente aquelas contra o narcotráfico. Eu Sargento Fahur sou contra a legalização das drogas, a favor da pena de morte e defendo o direito da população civil a ter posse e porte de armas. Força e Honra !

Atheist Republic Cape Town


Atheist Republic is the largest community of atheists in the world providing support and amplifying the voices of those who need protection especially in countries where people feel isolated simply for their lack of belief. Atheists are under attack in many places. If they were Christians, their voices would be heard. If they were Jews, their voices would be heard. If they were Muslims, their voices would be heard. But they are atheists, and not many seem to be listening. Let’s make it difficult for them to ignore us.