Daily 10-Minute Mindfulness Meditation- Nature's Medicine


Healing-Minds is channel with Daily 10-Minute Mindfulness Meditations using Nature as Medicine. I was a lost sole for many years living on autopilot. I am in active recovery but live with addictive tendencies. To combat this my daily routine includes two meditations of 10 minutes. When, I focus on nature’s phenomenons. My experience has been that tuning into nature, fosters mindfulness. Mindfulness is a life style as well as a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you are sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. It helps us live an authentic life of belonging and connection. After I experienced meditation at a center for addiction, I went home and I searched for videos on YouTube to inspire me and there are many; however, creating my own videos and telling my story, gives me a sense of pride and connection. Being able to impact even one person struggling is my mission. Hope you all enjoy my videos and subscribe to view daily.

10 Minute Stock Trader


Christopher Uhl, CMA has been recognized as a two-time Top 100 Person in Finance, the Founder & Head Trader at 10MinuteStockTrader.com as well as the Host of the Top 10 iTunes Investing Podcast The How To Trade Stocks And Options Podcast. Christopher spent over a decade in corporate finance becoming an expert in his field and is now approaching 1 million traders coached through his podcast. Christopher has spoken at many financial seminars analyzing major events and their impact on the global economy and financial markets. He can be heard by tens of thousands of listeners weekly You can find my content everywhere! Christopher M. Uhl, CMA Twitter: https://twitter.com/10minutetrading Instagram: https://instagram.com/10minutetrading LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/Christopher-uhl Facebook: https://facebook.com/10minutetrading YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/10minutestocktrader How to Trade Stocks and Options Podcast: https://www.howtotradestocksandoptionspodcast.com