The JAT Channel
15,649 FollowersThe Official Rumble Channel for James Arnold Taylor
The Official Rumble Channel for James Arnold Taylor
Daily & Weekly Updates On All Things Political & Geo-Political! and The Minister Jap Network are multimedia platforms that offer entertainment, motivation, advice, current events, & etc for the black community. The owner, creator, and personality “Minister Jap” designed this platform for brothers and sisters to freely discuss issues we face in the black community without being filtered or censored. Minister Jap has become an internet sensation with his harsh delivery and witty perspective of different topic dealing with black people. Raised on the south side of the Chicagoland area Jap learned a lot dealing with the streets, corporations, relationships and etc. Jap takes his personal experiences and assesses them and offers the masses game and knowledge so that they can make chess moves in life. Jap’s main focus is educating black women on the importance of marrying before they have children.
Roundup with Jan Markell in Nederlands
Tällä kanavalla esitetään pääasiassa tekoälyllä käännettyjä videoita, jotka on poimittu suurimmaksi osaksi kanavilta, jotka on sensuroitu youtubesta tai muista globalistien hallitsemilta alustoilta. Joukkoon mahtuu myös youtuben kanavilta poimittua mutta vähemmissä määrin. Youtube kääntää (useimmiten) itse suomenkieleksi, joten käännösteksti saattaa olla youtuben kääntämää. Teemana videoalustalla on maailman tapahtumat ja ymmärrys sekä tietoisuus siitä että meille ei ole kerrottu lainkaan kaikkea mitä meille ihmiskunnalle olisi pitänyt kertoa jo aikaa sitten.
Nightly Vigil outside the DC gulag honoring Ashli Babbitt, who was murded by Capitol police officer Michael Byrd, and giving a voice to Jan 6 political prisoners and their families. Please join us and sing the National Anthem with the J6 prison choir, calls, begin at 7:30, singing at 9 eastern time.
Jan 6 News Main Channel
Republican Commentator on BBC, ITV, BBC World Service, and NPR. A former Global Vice President and UK Chairman for Republicans/Overseas...
And We Know - Deaths and Injuries caused by the jab
Welcome to my community of like minded individuals that seek the truth. While headlines are black & white, the truth resides between that in the gray.
Live meetings for PPWK Jan/Feb 2024
To Educate, Agitate and Motivate Africa and the African diaspora
The conspiracy show - we discuss current and historical events as truth seekers, no agenda, and no taboos...
Olá amados, me chamo Tullio Frescura e esse canal é dedicado a passar informações e atualizações para vocês mediante vídeos e podcast. Não quero convencer ninguém, apenas passar minha verdade, e quem sabe posso somar algo legal para seu dia. SERÁ UMA JORNADA FANTÁSTICA Então sem mais delongas, seja muito bem vindo e se inscreva no canal DIÁRIO QUÂNTICO! Canal no telegram:
COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries and Death
Verloskundige met ruim 40 jaar ervaring
Sem medo e com muito humor, Pastora Jane Silva e Psicólogo Marco Pirajá, convidam você para um super bate papo bem descontraído e sem pauta definida. #PastoraJaneSilva #PsicólogoMarcoPirajá #Mente #Corpo #Alma #Espírito #Deus #Família
VAX FACTS CHECKING EPISODES Pelastusrukous: "4. huhtikuuta 1994 ALEPH & TAV AMIGHTYWIND RUACH HA KODESH HOLY FIRE Last Chance -palvelutyö synnytettiin verkossa apostoli, profeetta Elisheva Eliyahun kautta. Yli 30 vuoden ajan tämä messiaanis-juutalais-helluntailainen palvelutyö on julistanut YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'N evankeliumia ja tuonut miljoonia sieluja YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'LLE, JOKA on TIE, TOTUUS ja ELÄMÄ (Joh. 14:6). YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH on AINOA NIMI, jonka kautta pelastuu – parannuksenteon ja synneistään pois kääntymisen kautta (Ap. t. 4:12). Me emme ole 'kerran pelastunut, aina pelastunut' -tyyppinen palvelutyö. Sillä YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH sanoo: 'Miksi te sanotte MINULLE: "HERRA, HERRA!" ettekä tottele MINUA?' (Luuk. 6:46) Ja että jos rakastamme HÄNTÄ, meidän täytyy pitää HÄNEN käskynsä (Joh. 14:15)."
neste canal teremos todo tipo de conteudo para relaxar
Bible Studies and Sermons
I always want to give joy to you guys. If you like it then please follow, like, comment, share and subscribe 😍 Request all friends follow my page"Thanks" eye to eye, asmr eye exam, asmr sleep, asmr eye test, Eye to eye follow me, Wild animals, wild life, animals wild, animals, animal, national animals, international animals, #ajanimals2 #rumble #rumbleshorts #rumblevideo #rumbleseo ""Thanks for watching the Video""
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