Dr. Robert Morse


Robert Morse N.D., D.Sc., M.H. Dr. Robert Morse is the creator and founder of God's Herbs, Dr. Morse's Herbal Health Club, and the International School of Detoxification. He is degreed in Naturopathy, Naturopathic Medicine, Biochemistry, Iridology, Herbology, Nutrition and Fitness. He has lectured and taught in the Natural Health Sciences throughout the world for the past 30 years and has appeared on numerous television news programs and international documentaries where he has presented findings, case studies, and educated on detoxification and cellular regeneration. 🍇 VISIT OUR HERBAL HEALTH CLUB: https://drmorsesherbalhealthclub.com/

Dr Robert O. Young Videos (Unofficial)


Dr Robert O. Young's video sources: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/ (Rob's main website) https://www.youtube.com /@RobertYoung555/videos (Youtube Official) https://rumble.com/user/DrRobertYoung (Rumble Official) https://odysee.com/@DrRobertYoung (Odysee Official) https://archive.org/details/dr.-robert-o.-young https://archive.org/details/the-p-h-miracle-balance-your-diet-reclaim-your-health-b-00-atswr-4-k ^Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health. https://archive.org/details/the-p-h-miracle-for-diabetes-the-revolutionary-diet-plan-for-type-1-and-type-2-d ^for Diebetes https://archive.org/details/the-ph-miracle-for-cancer-discover-the-truth-about-the-cause-prevention-treatmen ^for Cancer https://archive.org/details/robert-o.-young-shelley-redford-young-the-p-h-miracle-for-weight-loss-balance-yo ^ The PH Miracle for Weight Loss: Balance Your Body Chemistry, Achieve Your Ideal Weight ^ Audiobooks w/ PDF, EPUB, AZW3 "The pH Miracle Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health (2010 Revised)", "The pH Miracle for Diabetes (2010 Revised)", and The PH Miracle for Cancer: Discover the Truth about the Cause, Prevention, Treatments, and Reversal of ALL Types of Cancers." https://phmiracleproducts.com/ (Rob's store) https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/ (Detox products recommended by Rob) This is a fan created channel of Dr. Robert O. Young (unofficial).

Dr. Roberto Gava


Mi sono laureato in Medicina all’Università di Padova, specializzato in Cardiologia, Farmacologia Clinica e Tossicologia Medica, per poi perfezionarmi in Agopuntura Cinese, Omeopatia Classica e Bioetica. Dopo aver lavorato per quindici anni in ambiente universitario, aver scritto due libri di Farmacologia e più di cento pubblicazioni scientifiche, essendomi convinto che il compito di un clinico è quello di scegliere di volta in volta la tecnica terapeutica più appropriata per il proprio paziente in modo da poter personalizzare qualsiasi trattamento, sia preventivo che curativo, da oltre trent’anni studio sistematicamente la letteratura scientifica per accrescere le mie conoscenze scientifiche. Sono inoltre convinto che la vera Medicina non sia tale se non può essere Personalizzata e Umanizzata e penso che questo lo si ottenga solo con una Medicina Integrata dove i saperi moderni e antichi si fondono insieme.