L'orizzonte degli eventi


L\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Orizzonte degli Eventi è un punto di osservazione sull\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'attualità, l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'informazione e la cultura creato dal mio incontro con le persone interessanti e le loro idee. Orizzonte degli eventi perché esso è il luogo teorico dove, una volta catturati, non è più possibile tornare indietro e sfuggire all\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'attrazione esercitata dal buco nero. E\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' un po\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' quello che succede quando si raggiunge la consapevolezza di qualcosa di importante e da quel momento la nostra vita non è più quella di prima, ed è anche il mio percorso di vita.

Ronald Rizz


Ronald Rizz is a young savant. Being only several years old does not inhibit his 130 IQ and quick on-the-spot debate skills. He enjoys talking about trending internet creators and bringing fresh new perspectives onto YouTube for the world to see. "Only W's to be found here. If my comment hath upset you, mayhaps reflect unto your own self henceforth you reply with your nasty words. For I speak the true truth, and sugarcoating is not on my list of things I do." ~ Ronald Rizz, 2023

Mama Grizzly's preparing for anything!


We are looking forward to hosting classes fresh off the farm in whatever self reliant skills you would like to learn more about - cultured milk products, including yogurt, sour cream, cheeses; herbal medicine making; gardening; first aid; making your own laundry and personal soap, and other personal care items; canning; dehydrating; freeze drying; etc., etc. To help you be a little more self reliant and prepared for...well, just about anything!