Dog training house video

7 Followers http://www.a& PROPER Dog Training and Boarding kennels fully licensed and insured, set in 13.5 acres of Worcestershire countryside open 365 days. Individually heated rooms. Close to M5, M40, M42 and M6 motorways. Fully Insured Dog training for all breeds: basic obedience security and problem dogs. Collection and delivery service. Dog behaviourist consultations with owners. Fully trained German Shepherds are always available. Pedigree working dogs (German Shepherds, Labradors, Springer-Spaniels, Weimaraners, Pointers, etc.) are required for re-training, whereas contact can be maintained with the original owner. Established for over 30 years. Veterinary recommended.

House & Flower & Cats & Dogs Videos Please Like & Subscribe My Rumble Channel Thank You everyone Guys


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The Dog House

1 Follower

Welcome to our dog channel, where we celebrate the joy and love that dogs bring to our lives. We are passionate about all things canine and are dedicated to providing informative and entertaining content that will inspire and educate our viewers. Our channel is a hub for dog enthusiasts, owners, and lovers alike, where we share tips and tricks on dog care, training, and nutrition, as well as heartwarming stories, cute videos, and fun facts about different breeds. Our team of experts and contributors are passionate about dogs and bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. We believe that dogs are not just pets, but beloved members of our families, and we are committed to promoting their well-being and happiness. Join us on our journey to celebrate the wonderful world of dogs!

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