Springer Medical Textbooks Published My Biographical Medical Experimentations, Traumas & Original Art Works explaining "The Art of Pain” Artist, Author, Advocate, Public Speaker, Educator
HOST: Yvonne B.D. Palermo
DISCLAIMERS: 18+ ONLY 👉 Cannot give out medical DX. Not a Doctor or Nurse.
Respect one another's opinions, beliefs, and presence to learn & share.
Be Advised: All of my discussions, interviews, artworks & any live chats deemed harmful are recorded.
Any abuse, doxxing, gaslighting, targeting: will be reported to proper agencies
My decision to ban, mute or block doesn't have to be explained.
WARFARE is an activity undertaken to weaken or destroy another
SCHEDULE: Mountain standard time
Channel Topics:
My goal is to share my factual experiences as a caregiver & now as a patient in order to help educate those that do not understand how it once was to the current travesty of what it has become. One must learn how to medically advocate for themselves through a broken system of lies. All of my opinions, beliefs, and advocating stems from my personal Severe Medical Traumas & experiences which are published by Springer Medical Textbooks.
My greatest joy is Public Speaking about all of my experiences- for example: Near death experiences, Traumatic brain injury, unconsciousness, 3 years existing in-between realities, & also showing my world, my language, through art work, educating about Chronic Pain, Gaslighting, & expressing myself via gallery exhibitions.
Volunteering at children's hospitals was even vital to my own healing. Working as a:First Responder/ER Tech then Microbiology/Serology/Histology Clinic Technician was some of my very favorite skillset jobs. After which, I retained a B.F.A. Magna Cum Laude with art education.
My snippets of DX & HX:
*Chronic Pain
*Near Death Experiences
*Traumatic Brain Injury
*Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
* Broken Neck, Cervical Fusions
*Lumbar fusions, Spinal Cord Injury, Spinal Cord Mass,
*Intrathecal Pain Pumps, pain pumps
*Spinal Cord Stimulator, SCS
*How to........
*Pain Management Segregation
*Foreign Object
*Open Wound
*Cervicogenic Migraines
*Botox Injections
*PIC lines
*Hyperemesis Gravidarum
*Pain Management Segregation
*Disability Parking
*Kratom, THC
*Nerve pain
*Cervical Dystonia
*Trigger Injections, Steroid Injections
*anxiety, panic attacks, Agoraphobia
*Seizure's, myoclonic jerks
*Startle Myoclonus
We can ONLY change group think, when the people start to wander.
Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Courageous.
Start Wandering.
One of my life events includes directly dealing with what is imo a dangerous cult. Tinfoil hats, Crowns, and Gowns are optional. Cult warfare is serious, & imo due to technology we have crossed a dangerous line that created a new "type" of cult consisting of MULTIPLE dangerous Leaders.
From New Age Ufo cults- medical cults , political cults etc..
The indoctrinations that inject apathy & utilize one's vulnerabilities , is a premeditated persuasion to control, cultivate, and mutilate a society.
Website: https://belladolores.wixsite.com/belladolores
Instagram: belladoloresart