Arquitetura e design


Alexandre Cruz de Souza é formado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo e possui um escritório de arquitetura voltado para projetos na área de interiores e construção civil. Desde 2007 é professor e criador do curso presencial e a distância de Perspectiva à mão Livre. Também desenvolveu outros cursos para arquitetos na área de desenho digital como Sketchup, Vectorworks, V-ray, Projeto de espaços e Gerenciamento de obras. Além de ministrar esses cursos é docente dos curso de Decoração Prática e Design de Interiores no Senac SBC e o curso de Expressão gráfica para a pós graduação em Design de Interiores da PUC/RS

The Song of Ffraed


I came to discover that what I thought was an "earth energy", a "dragon", as dowsers and geomancers call them, is, in fact, even more profound than I ever contemplated. In February 2023, She revealed to me, She is the Holy Spirit, and that this project, "The Ffraed Project", is one of "Rectification" - putting things right, making things better. Every reader and viewer who genuinely feels Her energy, will surely take an abiding interest. In spirit, they are joining with the paramount project of our Age. With us always, have been Christ; always, and sometimes, there have been other approved companions in body and spirit too. I can’t remember now the actual date I took my first step with them on this journey, but it was in 2016, at a holy well, in north Pembrokeshire. Her Holy Well. She introduced Herself as Ffraed and manifested a silhouette of Herself on a flat stone, in the chamber. I’d seen Her before, in white, in spirit, here and at St. Non’s Holy Well, but I didn’t know who She was then. As Ffraed, I didn’t know the half either, not till February 2023.