Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night (1987)
0 FollowersPINOCCHIO AND THE EMPEROR OF THE NIGHT is an invitation into the wonderful world of animation and magic. A world where reality gives way to soaring flights of fancy and wonderment - a world where dreams really do come true! When a mysterious carnival arrives in town, Pinocchio's in for the adventure of his life! From the enchanting allure of a beautiful singing puppet, to the jaws of a killer fish. From the tiny and charming town of Bugsburgh to the ominous Empire of the Night. It's a magical trip where Pinocchio comes to understand the value of freedom and the meaning of true friendship. Starring the Voices of Edward Asner, Lana Beeson, Tom Bosley, Linda Gary, Scott Grimes, Jonathan Harris, James Earl Jones, Rickie Lee Jones, Don Knotts, Frank Welker and William Windom. Filmation owns the copyright of this film. I do not claim ownership of this material. Even though this film is 83 minutes long instead of the noted 87 minutes, this seems to actually be the definitive version of the film. Other distributions have the film slowed down and the lower section of it cropped out of view. This film has been cleaned of noticeable blemishes, frames that the animators missed have been repainted and two sections were repainted for continuity in the film. We hope you like and share this version.