Lou Scatigna, The Financial Physician


Louis Scatigna, CFP® is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional who is also known as The Financial Physician. For more than 36 years, he has combined his knowledge and experience to establish himself as an expert on financial planning and financial literacy. He is consistently clear explaining complex financial ideas that everyone can understand. For over 20 years, he has shared his knowledge on his radio show The Financial Physician, which now airs on 92.7 WOBM FM. In 2009, he shared his financial tips and tricks in his book Financial Physician. He is a popular speaker who has been featured in major media outlets such as CNN, USA Today, Dallas Morning News, CNBC, Fox News and MSNBC.

SHADOW_Government 1899_Republic_of_Philippines


The Shadow Government is the putative reflection of the envisioned Structures that will operate as the restored Philippine First Republic under the 1899 Philippine Constitution. The Shadow Quad Media Station will broadcast, print and post to updates us. Join Zoom Plenary Session, Every Saturday 8:AM to 12:NN Manila Time https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3686634657?pwd=dHZmWWIyYStXME00ZUJ1alJtLzdtdz09 Meeting ID: 368 663 4657 Passcode: congress11 Need to Open your Camera, Real Name and Location to be acknowledge during session.

LakbayPinas - Philippines Tourist Destination


This channel provides a little information for places that you can have, a great vacation with your family here in the Philippines. And all the videos here are originally made not taken from another channel. We hope that you will like those videos we share for you and please also help us to do more research to make better content and video by commenting below. If you love this kind of content, and if you only have time, please Subscribe to this channel and click the notification bell so you will be the one to receive an updated upload, Thank you very much.