Power to the Patients


Hospitals save lives, but the hidden prices of healthcare all too often end up destroying the financial well-being of their patients, especially for the most vulnerable. Thankfully, on January 1, 2021, a new healthcare rule mandates that all hospitals must finally publish their real prices online. This breakthrough allows patients and their families an understanding of the real financial obligations of their medical decisions and even creates an opportunity for them to responsibly compare prices across hospitals. For the first time in US history, entering a hospital will not so easily lead to financial despair as a result of price gouging or unexpected medical bills. Finally, we can take care of ourselves medically while taking control of our financial health. We now have the right to see real prices before we receive care. Our Health. Our Money. Power to the Patients. Additional information at powertothepatients.org.

Canadian phase 2 clinical trial, recruiting patients.


C Difficile is a gram positive spore forming bacteria, which can cause severe gut infection. It infects and kills 500,000 and 30,000 North Americans respectively every year. Standard of care treatment is Vancomycin antibiotic, which is effective in 60 to 70% of cases. When unsuccessful, the infection can recur and likeliness of recurrence increases after every treatment failure. Its treatment is considered an unmet medical need by the FDA and as such new treatments showing positive potential are typically fast tracked. ImmuniMed Inc, a Canadian clinical stage Biopharmaceutical company is presently in phase 2 clinical trial of its oral dose antibody treatment and recruiting patients. If you are a Canadian resident, over the age of 18 and have tested positive for c Difficile, please contact us to participate in this trial. John Hare John@immunimed.com 204-955-8495