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Singer, songwriter and musician Shubh was born for the spotlight and his career is shaping up to be nothing short of iconic. The Punjabi-Canadian rapper and vocalist took over Hip-Hop music and culture on his own terms revising trap, hiphop and R&B through an ambitious vision. Thanks to his introspective rap style and his golden touch songwriting, he has sustained an enormous presence. Known for his breakout debut single We Rollin, Toronto based Shubh made a rapid rise in mainstream music industry. With over 250+ million career streams in less than 6 months since his debut, he continues to reign as one of the biggest emerging artist the world has ever seen. With such a rapid rise and a relentless stream of critical and commercial hits, its clear that Shubh is one of the greatest modern success stories in Hip-hop.

Songs🎶,movie, comedy, velog videos, Pakistani,


جئي سنڌ ♥️ جئي لطيف ♥️ Dear friends Please Subscribe my YouTube channel 👇 سنڌ ۽ سنڌي رھن سلامت منير مزاري آفيشل يوٽيوب چينل سر ساز سنگيت سان گڏ مڌر آوازن جون اُھي گھونجھارون، جنھن ۾ سنڌ وسي جنهن ۾ سنڌيت وسي ، ڌرتيءَ جي شاعرن جون اُھي تخليقون ، جنھن راڳ روح بخشين اھا شاعري ۽ اُھي گيت جيڪي اوھان پھرين ڪٿي ٻڌا نه ھجن. اُھي گيت جيڪي بار بار بڌڻ لاءِ دل چئي ھڪ نئين انداز سان ھڪ نئين جوس سان اسان کڻي اچون پيا صرف اوھان لاءِ راڳ رهاڻيون جنهن ۾ راڳ تي ھجي پر تن من رقص به ڪري. اگر ڪو دوست پنهنجي شاعري ڪنھن فنڪار کان ڳارائڻ جو خواهشمند ھجي ته اسان سان واٽساپ تي رابطو ڪري سگهو ٿا 03000876471 اوھان جو پنھنجو ايڊمين منير مزاري آفيشل يوٽيوب چينل جئي سنڌ ❤️ جئي لطيف ❤️

LooLoo Kids - Nursery Rhymes and Children's Songs


LooLoo Kids💖 is an educational YouTube channel designed for children and parents alike. With a vast collection of nursery rhymes, baby songs, and kid songs, our content is tailored to entertain and inspire kids of all ages while promoting critical thinking, creative exploration, and a sense of imagination. Lovable characters like Johny and his friends, Emmy, Monica, Laura, Siu, and Li take kids on exciting adventures. At LooLoo Kids, we take education seriously, which is why we ensure that Johny and his friends are always having fun while learning from every adventure and activity. Our channel includes educational kids' songs, kindergarten songs, and learning songs that are perfect for toddlers and preschoolers. From action songs for kids to dance songs and sing-along songs, our animations for kids are among the best. Join us for the best kids' songs, dance songs for kids, and educational children’s songs.