Big Jon Steel


Former Atheist saved by Jesus. Struggling with depression, anxiety, and addiction for the majority of my life, unable to operate in the world properly on a day-to-day basis. One night I called out to Jesus for help, and I was blessed to have my curses taken from me in a single moment. I was given a new life and a new start thanks to Jesus Christ. I now feel compelled to share the news with as many people as I can because I know the potential they have with Christ in their life. My goal is simply to remove as many misconceptions there are around the "religion" of Christianity as I can, so that anyone who seeks God can find Him with as few hurdles as possible. Nothing is of me, I am a broken, sinful human like all of us. My identity is in God and my works are because of him. I am learning every day and I recommend everyone does their own research, study and prayer before coming to any decision. Thank you for your support.