Chlorine Dioxide Truth (Further Light and Knowledge)


If someone wants to learn about Chlorine Dioxide (aka CD or MMS) as a medicine they would first need to understand why it has such negative press from the mainstream media outlets, Pharmaseutical companies, the FDA and on social media. Simply put, IT IS INEXPENSIVE, YOU CAN MAKE IT AT HOME, AND IT WORKS! This does not fit the for-profit business model of any company or regulating government. Anyone that really takes the time to learn about it will find that there are two extremes of people talking about it. The first group (Which you could call the "Newsies") reports that it is fake medicine, snake oil and some kind of toxic-bleach-poison. The other group (Which could be called the "Grass Roots" Group) gives thousands of testimonies of real people who tell how it helped with diseases. infections and other ailments. My mission with these playlists is to find and explain the truths of what CD is and how it can help the body. I also take some time to explain why it gets so much negative publicity from the "powers that be". I have spent about 300 hours in this study and receive no pay for my work. My compensation comes from being able to learn, test and teach about what I have experienced. It will save you money, improve the quality of life and even save lives. I also have a free book for anyone who wants to learn the basics about this as a health suppliment. You can download it from this link:

Short Fat Otaku


Hi, I'm SFO, and on this channel I make political and philosophical content. There's a lot wrong with the world at the moment, and I don't really have any way to affect political change other than making videos on pertinent topics, so I'll do what I can. My political position is a moderate liberal-conservative type - I believe that free western capitalist democracy is the best political system we have, and that it's under attack from all sides, from SJWs, from religious extremism, from radical feminism, from identitarianism, from both progressivism and regressivism, from extremism from all ends of the political spectrum. If you're expecting me to either be alt-right, or side with social justice, you're going to be very disappointed. ----- I have a P.O. Box! Mail me your junk! Devo SFO P.O. Box 21011 Lockerby Post Office Sudbury, Ontario, Canada Postal Code: P3E 6G6



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Mister Trumpy TAP


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