Heyo! I'm Funneh, welcome to my channel! Here you'll find funny daily gaming videos, livestreams, and much more. I play a lot of games with my fam, we're known as Krew! If you enjoy our videos, subscribe today. Your support helps us continue to do what we


Addicted to the Angry Birds, thats what I am !!! Always new ideas for adventures and mashups with other games and movies. And I love to see pictures come to life...soooo, here I sit animating away using 3D animation software. I do not use original graphics or sounds from the games and movies. Much rather all animations are made from scratch in endless hours of animation. I hope now you undestand why my videos and sounds are somewhat different from (and maybe not as good as ) the original.... but I try hard ;-))) For all those interested: I mostly use Iclone Pro 5, 3Ds Max, Photoshop and After Effects. You\'ll see 3D animated clips & cartoons some "nonexisting" Angry Birds combo spoofs, some combined

"Welcome to Dostafghindo, your go-to channel for endless entertainment! Here at Dostafghindo, our primary goal is to bring smiles, laughter, and excitement to the lives of our followers on Rumble.


"Welcome to Dostafghindo, your go-to channel for endless entertainment! Here at Dostafghindo, our primary goal is to bring smiles, laughter, and excitement to the lives of our followers on Rumble. Through a wide range of captivating and engaging videos, we promise to keep you entertained at all times. Our talented team of content creators is constantly brainstorming and working tirelessly to bring you the best entertainment possible. Whether you're in the mood for hilarious skits, jaw-dropping challenges, heartwarming stories, or mind-boggling illusions, Dostafghindo has got you covered! We aim to cater to diverse tastes and interests, ensuring there's always something for everyone on our channel. Join our ever-growing community of loyal followers and be a part of the laughter-filled journey we embark upon together. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and enable notifications so you never miss out on our latest uploads. So, sit back, relax, and immerse yourself in the wonderful world of entertainment that Dostafghindo has to offer. Get ready to laugh, get ready to be amazed, and get ready to have a fantastic time with us!"

Memes Got Alive


Memes got alive as arrived to revolutionize the old memes trend by using new technologies to bring to life a meme with moving images, sound and music creating funny and compelling stories with the only goal of making you laugh like never before! Be aware, this channel is not made for fainted-hearted people or easily offended. Our humor can sometimes exceed any known boundaries of respectability. We hope that our hard work will make you spend endless moments of pleasure by laughing and having fun.

Emerson Oliveira | Meu Eu 2.0


Fala Galera! Aqui é o Emerson Oliveira e seja bem vindo(a) ao Meu Eu 2.0! O Meu Eu 2.0 é o meu projeto para ajudar você a se tornar sua melhor versão. Meu objetivo é compartilhar com você conhecimento, experiências, erros e aprendizados que me fizeram prosperar e sair de uma vida financeira arrasada! Aqui você vai encontrar conteúdos sobre desenvolvimento pessoal e mindset, como cuidar melhor do seu dinheiro e como ganhar mais dinheiro, através do empreendedorismo, usando a internet e suas redes sociais para ganhar dinheiro na internet.

Here are practical health tips to help you start off towards healthy living.

1 Follower

I want to share an inspirational article with you as to how loses over 300 pounds on a low-carb diet this really helps with motivation and keeps on track to hit our daily weight loss goals. I use posts like these as motivation daily for many things as positivity is the key and there is nothing better than seeing results like this. If you want some awesome keto diet tips and different meal plans let me know and I would more than hoppy to send them to you all the information I have found for free as it will save you a lot of time looking for different keto plans etc this awesome success stories enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------- Man loses over 300 pound https://snip.ly/ef4709 -------------------------------------------------------- Minus 125 pounds https://snip.ly/omv1cr ------------------------------------------------------- Meet Jason https://snip.ly/l1e23f ------------------------------------------------------ Here are practical health tips to help you start off towards healthy living. Eat a healthy diet. Consume less salt and sugar. Reduce intake of harmful fats. Avoid harmful use of alcohol. Don\\\\\\\'t smoke. Be active. Check your blood pressure regularly. Get tested. See more tips: http://healths.ezyro.com/

Hi Gamers, I'm AV ! Here you will see me playing PC games , Mobile Games , Montages , Shorts And Live Gameplay with having some fun. I used to Free Fire , Call Of Duty Mobile , BGMI On "ayushvivek.gaming98"


Hi Gamers, I'm AV ! Here you will see me playing PC games , Mobile Games , Montages , Shorts And Live Gameplay with having some fun. I used to Free Fire , Call Of Duty Mobile , BGMI On "ayushvivek.gaming98" Fully Indian Gamer Youtube Started on 10 June 2021 Business Email: ayushvivekgaming@gmail.com For Contact: Join My instgram account = https://www.instagram.com/ayushvivek.gaming/