Making Tech Easy For Small Business


We approach IT and web services work from a holistic point of view. At Ask Charly Leetham, we believe that technology is an enabler that aids business success -- technology does not determine the direction of the business. We specialise in connecting disparate systems and provide full service for any business seeking to create, grow and manage their online presence. Our aim is to provide a technology solution that allows a Business a level of autonomy in maintaining and updating their online presences whilst still being cost effective. Charly has over 30 years experience in IT, is a WordPress Expert and is committed to helping Small Business Owners become more tech literate. Join us on Locals and support us:

Make Money Online | Business Growth


#NFINITY is a Creative, Modern and Trusted Digital Marketing Agency, who help you #GrowyourBusiness and #makemoney through #AffiliateMarketing and #SocialMediaMarketing, #SEO and Content Creation and #Motivational Videos. We guarantee to add values to the Businesses of our Clients through our Consultancy Services and ensure consistent growth in their Businesses. Disclaimer: The links contained on our Channel / Videos may lead to external sites, which are provided for convenience only. Any information or statements that appeared in these sites are not sponsored, endorsed, or otherwise approved by NFINITY. For these external sites, NFINITY cannot be held liable for the availability of, or the content located on or through it. Plus, any losses or damages occurred from using these contents or the internet generally.