Liberty Forum Of Silicon Valley Verified


We are the largest, most successful grass-roots liberty-minded group in California. As such, we are the place for liberty-loving patriots from Silicon Valley and beyond to gather, share ideas, and become empowered. ​ We promote the principles of American liberty through education. We provide a forum with prominent speakers every month and other opportunities throughout the year for people to join together in the cause of liberty and freedom, contributing our efforts to activities that preserve America as the highest beacon of freedom, individual rights, and responsible free market entrepreneurship.

Dr Robert O. Young Videos (Unofficial)


Dr Robert O. Young's video sources: (Rob's main website) /@RobertYoung555/videos (Youtube Official) (Rumble Official) (Odysee Official) ^Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health. ^for Diebetes ^for Cancer ^ The PH Miracle for Weight Loss: Balance Your Body Chemistry, Achieve Your Ideal Weight ^ Audiobooks w/ PDF, EPUB, AZW3 "The pH Miracle Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health (2010 Revised)", "The pH Miracle for Diabetes (2010 Revised)", and The PH Miracle for Cancer: Discover the Truth about the Cause, Prevention, Treatments, and Reversal of ALL Types of Cancers." (Rob's store) (Detox products recommended by Rob) This is a fan created channel of Dr. Robert O. Young (unofficial).

Banned Youtube Videos


This channel contains a list of noteworthy videos going against the grain of Big Tech, Big Pharma and Main Stream Media establishments. Like many of you who have grown tired of been force fed the so-called "narrative", "Banned Youtube Videos" attempts to fill this void that the global elitists deliberately keeps from you, the viewing public. If this channel can better inform you, then this channel is serving its purpose. Any tips on videos that you would like to be shown on "Banned Youtube Videos" are most welcome.