Kay and Olu Taiwo


Welcome to our channel! Thank you for stopping by. It is our prayer that the messages on this channel will bless and empower you to make a difference in your world. Our Mission: To train, equip, motivate, and empower men and women for successful living through image building, identity, vision, and purpose based ministry... About Kay and Olu Taiwo Identical twins, Kay and Olu Taiwo are international speakers, ministers, consultants, featured authors, and licensed Pharmacists. With over 20 years of speaking experience, their ministry has impacted audiences in the Ukraine, Nigeria, England, Philippines, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Canada, and across the United States of America. They conduct Vision, Identity, & Purpose (VIP) Seminars. They are blazing a trail around the world in the mobile app industry and are reaching thousands of people by promoting biblical literacy through mobile technology.

Stop Letting Your Past Get in The Way of Your Future Verified


Life After Addiction and Indictment helps those who keep letting their past get in the way of their future reclaim their life through entrepreneurship. Steve knows what It’s like to lose your confidence, have doors slammed in your face and the feeling that you won't ever achieve your dreams of entrepreneurship. Steve has the experience, knowledge and relationships to help you take control of your life and secure your future. After 24 years of "co-existing" in his marriage, Steve knows what it takes to create a happy and fulfilling relationship. Steve celebrated his 32-year anniversary in June 2022. Together they have four boys and one girl, ages 18-30. When he's not working to help others, Steve loves to spend time with his family in Lake Powell, Sunday game night, golfing, traveling, riding motorcycles and snowmobiles with his four boys and creating memories

The Italian Way - Art & Lifestyles Journeys


An iconic video magazine created by Simona Cochi, an Italian journalist and international ambassador based in Milan. Simona unveils the exclusive features of the most relevant events about Art, Lifestyle, Design, Fashion, and more. Art interviews are one of the keys to be seduced by "The Italian Way" project. The creative gesture of "direct capture" (the camera like a brush) blends different and transversal elements and draws on the visual heritage, the digital, the sound in a field with still unexplored possibilities but which has the characteristics of a 21st-century Surrealism. This editorial project has been conceived on Simona return after a year and a half of work and research in different European capital cities and iconic outposts. Simona Cochi can claim international working experiences and an academic track record. In 2018, during her experience as a video blogger in Vienna's museums, her definitive inspiration for surrealism was ignited through the work on the Man Ray's show at the Kunstforum. Further creativity and motivation have been enhanced thanks to the researches on Sigmund Freud, the other eminent Austrian's figure with significant traces of his life and works in Vienna. The video journey started as "The Austrian Way" inside the magnificent art shows in the capital city: Monet, Picasso, Gustav Klimt, Keith Hearing, Florentina Pakosta, and more. The beauty of a work resides in its visionary strength, in its celebratory capacity, in the alienating effect it arouses and this is what the spontaneity of the author often manages to convey. The creative gesture of "direct capture" (the camera like a brush) blends different and transversal elements and draws on the visual heritage, the digital, the sound in a field with still unexplored possibilities but which has the characteristics of a 21st-century Surrealism.

The Way True Life Style Elytz


FoLlOw Me, SiMpLiFy YoUr LiVeS, StAy HoMe, LeT ThE EaRtH AnD ThE CrEaTiOn ReCoVeR, We CaN Do EvErYtHiNg FrOm HoMe, No XcUsE, ThE IrReSpOnSiBiLiTy MuSt CeAsE, DoNt Be SeLfIsH, EnD ThE NeEdLeSs SuFfErInG, LeTs WoRk ToGeThEr, BaLaNcE HaRmOnY, ThErE Is OnLy OnE EtErNaL BrAnD, ThEe WaY TrUe LiFe StYlE ElYtZ, It Is NoT If BuT WhEn, AuToMaTe ThE ProCeSs SusTaInAbLy, MaKe It FrEe AcCoRdInG To NeEd, SeEk FiRsT To Be PeRfEcT As ThEe CrEaToR Is, AbUnDanT, AvAiLaBlE At YoUr DoOr, StOp ThE UnConScIoUs ChAoS, EvErYoNe TrYiNg To OuT Do EvErY OnE, ThErE Is OnLy OnE WaY, ToGeThEr As OnE, Or FaCe ThE CoNsEQuEnCeS, YoU HaVe ThE OpTiOnS, MaKe It HaPpEn Or It WiLl Be TaKeN FrOm YoU, AnD TaKe CarE Of ItSeLf ThE HaRd WaY, ReMeMbEr On EaRtH As It Is In HeAvEn, PiCtUrE HeAvEn, AnD MaKe It HaPpEn HeRe NoW, ReStOrE ThE MaJeStY ThE GaRdEn, Of EtErNaL LiViNg LoVe, StAy In YoUr LaNe AnD Do YoUr PaRt, I DiD MiNe.... I Am JuAn FrAnCiScO DiAnA MaRkS ThEe HoLy SpiRiT Is WiTh Me, I HaVe No FeAr, No LiMiT, TrY Me, I LeAd ThEe WaY, AnD YoU NeEd My SkIlLs AnD XPeRiEnCe, So I Am HeRe To ShArE, I CaRe, PeAcE Be WiTh YoU AnD YouRz Me AnD MiNeS AnD EveryOne EveryWhere AllWayS ✌️😘 ☝️😌 We Love You Holy Spirit, Thank You For You, For Us, For EveryThing, And For EveryOne, For Loving Us Especially, We Will Live And Share Together 4 ForEver, 3 FreeDom 2 Food 1 Fun 🌐 For U.S.A.ll U.nited S.pouse Of A.moRica, CelebRating 4 ForEver 3 Peace 2 Truth 1 Love 🚫 No Fear, Loves Holy Command Is Our Will, Love Is WithIn And ThroughOut U.S.A.ll, Holy Spirit United With You We Live A Perfect Life Making All Life Perfect I Am JuAn FrAnCiScO DiAnA MaRkS 💐🦋🌌💗🏞️🦋💐 Peace Be With You, These Are My Social Networks, If You Or Anyone Else In The Family Ever Want To Connect And Share With Me THE WAY TRUE LIFE IS ALIVE! WE BELIEVE! COME! Www.FaceBook.Com/TheWayTrueLife Www.YouTube.Com/@TheeWayTrueLife Www.Twitter.Com/TheWayTrueLife Www.Instagram.Com/TheeWayTrueLife Www.AmAzOn.Com/ShOp/TheWayTrueLife Www.LinkedIn.com/in/thewaytruelifestyle https://nextdoor.com/profile/01PSffgzWDfRYkdKk/ 💐I L💖VE Y'ALL, WE ALL FAMILY, ALL THE SAME, YET ALL UNIQUELY BEAUTYFULL/HANDSOME, THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THE TIME WHEN WE ACCEPT THE TRUTH & WHEN WE RECEIVE THE LIFE EXPERIENCE, EVENTUALLY ALL WE WANT IS TO L💖VE & BE L💖VED, HAVE & SHARE GOOD TIMES & NOT HURT ANYONE, THAT IS THE WAY💐 💐DON'T JUDGE ANYONE, BE A LIGHT TO THEM, THEY ARE YOU IN A DIFFERENT TIME & PLACE💐 IF YOU KNEW WHAT THEY KNEW & HAD WHAT THEY HAD WHEN THEY HAD IT, YOU PROBABLY WOULD HAVE CHOSEN WHAT THEY CHOSE, WE DO WHAT WE KNOW, & NOBODY WANTS LESS THAN THE BEST OF WHAT THEY KNOW, SO LETS GIVE OUR BEST, SO WE CAN LEARN & GROW TOGETHER💐 I AM AN ARTIST, LIFE IS MY CANVAS, MY EXPERIENCE IS MY BRUSH, MY EXPRESSION, MY E-MOTION, MY ENERGY IN MOTION IS THE PAINT, WHAT I SHOW.... I OVERSTAND IF YOU PAINT A DIFFERENT PICTURE, YOUR JUST SHOWING WHAT YOU KNOW.... I LOVE YOU.... KEEP MOVING FORWARD, KEEP YOUR EYES, HEART, MIND, OPEN, BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF, YOU NEVER KNOW, WHEN YOU WILL SEE, YOUR FUTURE, OR YOUR PAST, GIVE EVERYONE A CHANCE TO LEARN, WHAT YOU WERE ONCE IGNORANT TO, WE ARE YOU, YOU ARE WE, THE WAY TRUE LIFE STYLE ELYTZ, WE ARE THE LIGHTS OF THE WORLD, NOT THE JUDGE.... LIVING AND SHARING TOGETHER 4 ForEver 3 FreeDom 2 Food 1 Fun 🌐 For U.S.A.LL CelebRating 4 ForEver 3 Peace 2 Truth 1 Love 🚫 No Fear! MY DREAM IS TO BUILD A PLACE WHERE WE LIVE AND SHARE TOGETHER 4 FOREVER 3 FREEDOM 2 FOOD 1 FUN 0 FOR ALL! GOD IS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND MERCY THAT IS ALL I AM SURE WONT CHANGE, NO RELIGION CAN CONTAIN THIS FULLY.... IM DONE, YOU CAN FIND ME AROUND THE WAY, 1 @ THE WAY TRUE LIFE Sincere Treally, El Pa Don Juan FranCisco Diana Marks Owner of The Way! We Are! It Is! I Am! Living and Sharing Together 4 FOREVER 3 PEACE 2 TRUTH 1 LOVE 0 NO FEAR! Connect With Me Family🖖🤴 InstaGram Www.InstaGram.com/theewaytruelife FaceBook Www.FaceBook.Com/TheWayTrueLife LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/thewaytruelifestyle/ Twitter Www.Twitter.Com/TheWayTrueLife YouTube Www.YouTube.Com/@TheeWayTrueLife NeXtDoOr https://nextdoor.com/profile/01PSffgzWDfRYkdKk/ AmAzOn ShOp Www.AmAzOn.Com/ShOp/TheWayTrueLife Amazon my movie https://www.amazon.com/WAY-TRUE-LIFE-C/dp/B004W6I3ZC Amazon my books https://www.amazon.com/The-Way-True-Life-Eterna/e/B00JNFUVKC/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1 BING THE WAY bing.com/search?q=thewaytruelife&setmkt=en-US&PC=EMMX20&form=RBY050&scope=web&refcv=Ma3n59o0p%2B2GLtai. GooGle The Way google.com/search?source=hp&ei=2bqeXq35AqSxytMPwru3-A0&q=thewaytruelife&oq=&gs_lcp=ChFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocBABGAAyAggpUABYAGCtDWgAcAB4AIABAIgBAJIBAJgBALABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp Sent from my SonIm XP8 Outlook Mobile 💐🦋🌌💗🏞️🦋💐 Above Is My Contact Information If You Want To Connect And Share Peace Be With You Family 💐🦋🌌💗🏞️🦋💐

GKE-Presents: *True Way of Life*[Following {Jesus/Yehoshua/Immanuel}-The Christ]


Check-Out the show, come deep into to rabbit hole of The Matrix and find Out if your a true player and just an npc. Kickback and stimulate your mind with Real Talk about Real life. The episode is a preview of a few heated topics most people avoid due to The Matrix controversy. This season we're going deep into the rabbit hole, topic of Jesus and the truth, how to live life better, The Matrix and how to navigate it. Grand Knew Empire - NFT Collections https://opensea.io/GKE_Empire https://cash.app/$GrandKnew paypal.me/goanhamm https://www.grandknew.com https://www.instagram.com/gke_empire https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsrDMdu8Rnmde0Fssb-2dzw https://rumble.com/c/c-2464952

Wellness123: Pathways to a Balanced Life


Dive into a world where health, fitness, and overall well-being are at the forefront. At Wellness123, we're passionate about helping you achieve a balanced lifestyle with practical tips, expert insights, and easy-to-understand guidance. From nourishing your body with healthy habits to strengthening your mind with wellness strategies, our videos offer something for everyone looking to lead a healthier, happier life. Whether you're here to learn about nutrition, fitness routines, or mindful living, we’ve got you covered. Subscribe and join us on a journey to enhance your life—one healthy choice at a time!

Welcome to A Dream Code – Change your life and your way of thinking


Welcome to A Dream Code - Manifestation – your ultimate destination for unlocking the secrets of the universe and transforming your dreams into reality! Here we believe in the power of the mind and the universe to bring about positive changes in your life. What We Offer: Daily Manifestation Tips: Quick, actionable tips to help you harness the power of manifestation in just a few seconds. In-Depth Guides: Comprehensive videos that delve into various manifestation techniques, including visualization, affirmations, and the Law of Attraction. Real-Life Success Stories: Be inspired by the journeys of others who have successfully manifested their goals and dreams. Meditation and Mindfulness: Techniques to enhance your mental clarity and focus, aiding your manifestation practice. Expert Interviews: Insights and advice from leading experts in the field of manifestation and personal development. Join our community of like-minded individuals who are committed to personal growth and the pursuit of their highest potential. Whether you are new to manifestation or a seasoned practitioner, A Dream Code is here to support you on your journey to a more fulfilling and abundant life. Subscribe now and start your journey with us. Let's unlock the code to your best life together!

Welcome to Keto Lifestyle Hub, your ultimate destination for embracing the low-carb, high-energy Spartan way of life


Get your Custom Keto diet meal plan Today https://beacons.ai/ketolifestylehub "Welcome to Keto Lifestyle Hub, your ultimate destination for embracing the low-carb, high-energy Spartan way of life! 🛡️ Join us as we dive into the world of ketogenic living, where we conquer cravings, slay fat, and unleash boundless vitality. In our keto-centric haven, you'll find a treasure trove of videos that span from delectable low-carb recipes that'll make your taste buds sing, to inspiring workout routines that'll have you feeling as fierce as an ancient warrior. Our community of modern-day Spartans is here to support and motivate you every step of the way, as we strive for legendary transformations together. 🥑 Explore our Keto Recipes: Indulge in mouthwatering dishes that satisfy your hunger and fuel your performance. From savory bacon-wrapped delights to guilt-free desserts, our culinary creations are designed to keep you in ketosis while tantalizing your senses. 🏋️♂️ Elevate Your Workouts: Discover dynamic workout routines tailored to your Spartan journey. Unleash your inner warrior through high-intensity interval training (HIIT), strength-building exercises, and endurance challenges that amplify the benefits of your keto lifestyle. 🧠 Mastering Mindset: True Spartan living goes beyond the physical. Dive into videos that delve into the mental fortitude required to overcome obstacles, crush self-doubt, and embrace a resilient mindset that propels you towards success. Join the Keto Lifestyle Hub tribe today and subscribe for weekly videos that empower you to dominate the battlefield of health and wellness. Whether you're a seasoned keto veteran or just embarking on this epic journey, our content is your trusted companion to conquer the challenges and savor the victories. 🏆 Keywords: keto diet, low-carb recipes, ketogenic lifestyle, high-energy living, Spartan way of life, keto recipes, workout routines, mental resilience, health and wellness, keto transformation. 🏷️ Tags: #KetoLifestyleHub #LowCarbRecipes #SpartanEnergy #KetoJourney #HighPerformanceLiving #KetogenicWorkouts #MindsetMastery #HealthyLifestyle"

Spirtuality: The way of Life


Welcome to 'Spirituality: The Way of Life'! Here, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment, exploring the depths of spirituality and its profound impact on our everyday existence. Our channel is a sanctuary for seekers, believers, and curious minds alike, dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the universe and uncovering the true essence of being. Join us as we delve into ancient wisdom, modern practices, and personal insights, guiding you towards a more profound understanding of yourself and the world around you. From mindfulness practices to discussions on consciousness to philosophical musings, our content is designed to nourish your soul and ignite your spiritual journey. Whether you're just beginning to explore the realms of spirituality or you're a seasoned practitioner seeking deeper insights, 'Spirituality: The Way of Life' is your companion on the path to awakening. Subscribe now and let's embark on this transformative adventure together.