Anjuman Sarfroshan e Islam 1975 'R' Pakistan


It's Official channel of Aalmi Roohani Tehreeq Anjuman Sarfroshan-e-islam 1975 (R) Pakistan The "World Spiritual Movement Anjuman Sarfroshan e Islam Pakistan" Reg. 1975 (ASI) is a purely spiritual organization. "Anjuman Sarfroshan e Islam Pakistan" (ASI) was founded on July 13, 1982 in Hyderabad by the great spiritual personality Hazrat Syedna Riaz Ahmad Gohar Shahi Mad Zahul-ul-Alali. The aim of "Anjuman Sarfroshan e Islam Pakistan" is to create Love of ALLAH & Rasool s.a.w.w among the youth through Zikr e Allah, Prayer, Shariat & Tariqat. "ASI" are working to eliminate all the evils and sectarianism of the society, in the light of Quran, Hadith and Spiritual Teachings. "ASI" are also focusing to Spread / Promote the Teachings & Techniques of all the Great / Honorable Spitual Personalities of the Islam. Head Office: Almarkaz Roohani, Allah Hoo Pahari, Khuda ki Basti 1, Kotri, (Hyderabad) District Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan. Tell : 0092-223410583

Islamic Videos

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I'm SAWERA HUDA from Karachi Pakistan and QURAN VOLUNTEER. In the past, I used to create videos of myself reciting the Qur'an to convey the message of Allah almighty (the god of the worlds ). Please Follow me on My Other Social Media Platforms and SUBSCRIBE to my channel if you like my content so, I can get motivated to create more quality content. JAZAKALLAH.....❣️ Princess 0f Islam👑 Quraa'n Volunteer✨ Arabic Calligraphy LoVer❤️ A journey from darkness to Lightness☀️

Purify My Heart Islam


"Purify My Heart Islam" is a channel dedicated to exploring the depths of Islamic teachings and spirituality. Join us on a journey of self-reflection, enlightenment, and understanding as we delve into the principles of Islam that aim to purify the heart and guide us towards a more righteous and fulfilling life. Discover insightful discussions, educational content, and moments of spiritual reflection that strive to deepen our connection with Allah and foster a sense of unity within the global Muslim community. Subscribe now for a unique blend of knowledge, inspiration, and a shared commitment to purifying our hearts through the beauty of Islam.