Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng


"Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng" aims at offering authentic, fastest, uncensored first-hand information from inside China, as well as unique in-depth analysis and insights about China\\\\\\\'s current affairs and politics by Jennifer Zeng, who was once a researcher at the Development Research Center of the State Council of the People\\\\\\\'s Republic of China, the highest level governmental policy research and consultant body. Jennifer has been working in the media industry as a journalist, editor, news producer, news director, and columnist for the past two decades. 曾铮是作家、自媒體人。她是《静水流深》的作者,及获奖纪录片《自由中国》的女主角。 Jennifer\\\\\\\'s website 曾錚網站: Jennifer\\\\\\\'s bio 曾錚簡歷: Jennifer\\\\\\\'s Twitter 曾錚推特: Jenifer\\\\\\\'s Facebook Page 曾錚臉書粉絲專頁:

Where Truth Is Non-Negotiable


We’ve all been lied to, and often we allow our minds to embrace the lies we’re told if they set our minds more at eas, or personally comfort us in some way. But regardless of our personal feelings, the Truth will always be a constant and will stay True no matter what we desire it to be. The Truth will never be a lie, and a lie will never be the Truth. Even when the Truth changes, it is still always True. Propaganda is always based on lies, and we are constantly fed propaganda. Propaganda is as ancient as man, and has always been used by the powerful to shape our fictional reality. But no matter how many of us embrace the propaganda, Truth will still remain constant.