Australia One Reporting


Commentary or Reporting on Australia One Topics or omitions. Independent and NOT in any way associated with Politics or "AustraliaOne". Concerned with The Truth being known by all. Some fairly reliable information/commentary sources: Supreme Court New South Wales Ruling, War Crimes: 2013 Public Governance Performance and Accountability Act - Sec:10-11:

Pinball Gameplay Chat


Recording the playing of pinball, and sometimes talking sht about stuff and things . . . Concerned with the ruth being shared and known by people. Some fairly reliable information/commentary sources to investigate: Supreme Court New South Wales Ruling, War Crimes: 2013 Public Governance Performance and Accountability Act - Sec:10-11:



Olá! Prazer eu Sou o Eder O Fundador do #PROJETONAMASTÊ Esse projeto tem o intuito de Levar a todo povo adepto a assuntos voltados a Espiritualidade! Ao Xamanismol Ao kardecismo! Aos Hindus! E tudo aquilo que nos leva a Evolução Espiritual! Com Áudios Binaurais, Frequências, Reprogramação Mental com Quebra de Paradigmas, Dogmas e Crenças Limitantes adquirida desde a Infância! E também para quem se interessar por MECÂNICA QUÂNTICA! Caso queira saber mais o email de contato está mais abaixo! Espero que gostem é um canal simples até porque não gosto de luxo, se inscrevam no canal! Queridos irmãos se por ventura vocês encontrarem algum vídeo com direitos Autorais e quiserem que eu tire o mesmo, assim o farei não quero criar intrigas até porque estamos aqui neste plano para evoluir! Ta ok! Me notifiquem nos comentários ou no e-mail Nunca Foi Sorte! Sempre foi a #espiritualidade #FicaDica #Namastê #Gratidão #amorincondicional

Solomon's Farm and Lifestyle


In this channel, you're going to learn more about my hobbies, my lifestyle, farm and farming techniques. I will be uploading different breeds of birds, animals and daily activities in my farm. I'm also going to show how i started my farm, the challenges, feeding, environment, how i started my journey and many more!!! so, if you're interested in farming or animals or you are looking for a new hobby then this is a place to be and learn. please subscribe, like, share and support my channel. You can support my channel and these animals by sending us your support (BTC: 1A1cXXiHQGg9RWgNCzMu3fSQi1emkj778u)

Your Storyteller Monty 🔥


This channel is your own and you will get the story of every variety like !! heart touching story like you, So please like and subscribe my channel for enjoyment And also like and subscribe my other channel For News Updates For Comedy and Entertainment For Best Story About Human For Baby World Stories that make you crazy, Silent Crush, Love trends, Love me please, A billion dollar wife, Truly deeply medley, Horror series, unfaithful love, Girlfriend who is neither mine nor anyone else's, tragedy story, Drama Story, Comedy Story, Witch and ghosts Story and much more, Stay connected with us to know more hope you like my stories you will get 1 to 2 story daily And please like and subscribe my channel #shorts #story #storytime #stories #hearttouchingstorylikeyou #Storiesthatmakeyoucrazy #SilentCrush #Lovetrends #Lovemeplease #Abilliondollarwife #Trulydeeplymedley #Horrorseries #unfaithfullove #Girlfriendwhoisneitherminenoranyoneelse's #tragedystory #DramaStory #ComedyStory #WitchandghostsStoryandmuchmore #shorts