Discover the essence of Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager, Server-Side Tagging, and more, all in one dynamic Rumble hub.


Discover the essence of Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager, Server-Side Tagging, and more, all in one dynamic YouTube hub. 🚀 Google & Facebook Ads Mastery: Dive into the art of crafting high-impact campaigns. Learn keyword selection, ad creation, and bidding strategies to conquer Google and Facebook advertising. 📈 Google Analytics 4 Decoded: Demystify GA4. Decode user insights, event tracking, and cross-platform analytics. Transform data into strategies that resonate with your audience. 🏷️ Google Tag Manager Simplified: Master GTM's power. Learn to set up tags, triggers, and variables, empowering your data tracking and management without the code hassle. ⚙️ Server-Side Tagging Uncovered: Embrace the future with server-side tagging. Elevate data accuracy, privacy compliance, and website speed through this groundbreaking technique. Are you a marketer looking to optimize ads or an analytics enthusiast diving into data? 🔔 Subscribe for Digital Excellence

May Namit Katiyar grow Rumble but will definitely put 2 to 3 videos per day. Our aim is to make Rumble reach the stage of YouTube.


"HELLO WELCOME दोस्तों...मैं हूँ 'Namit Katiyar' और आप देख रहे हैं Namit Technical Gyan !" My Dear Friend, ये आप का ही चैनल है..आपको इस चैनल पर सभी जानकारियां FUNNY STYLE में मिलेंगी। इसमें हम जानकारी शेयर करते Technical Videos,Technical Gyan & Reparing तथा OTHER STUFF के बारे में! बहुत बहुत स्वागत है आपका अपने ही चैनल " Namit Technical Gyan" में और हफ्ते में 5 से ज्यादा वीडियो डालने की कोशिश रहती है जिनमें यदि आपने अभी ' Namit Technical Gyan ' की प्यारी-सी Family को Join नहीं किया है तो अभी कर लो जी! Take Care! ध्यान रखें अपना.. मिलते है अगली वीडियो में! Follow करके जाना जी! Namit Katiyar From Uttar Pradesh (India)