God Wins


Spiritual Warfare in this Modern age based upon Scripture and the Principles of War. It's important to know how the enemy operates in order to defeat him. I'm a prostate cancer stage 2 survivor, in remission. Radiation treatments made me very weak. I could not workout for six months after treatment because i was just too tired and weak. Over the next year and a half I worked out with weights (Wieder 1500X, very similar to a Bo-Flex) and plateaued at one set of 270 lbs. for 18 months. Then started taking the "Trinity Pack" and "Give me back my Youth" and in 5 months I now do 3 sets of 320 lbs. The Root Brands have made me Healthier and Stronger. For more information please go to https://therootbrands.com/GodWins

Gods Grace And You


Gigi is a believer in Jesus. She has shared the Word of God and the love of Jesus over 30 years. In 2020, she had a brain stem aneurysm and was raised from death and healed from the paralyzing effects by partnering with her faith and her husband, Preachin' Cowboy, through the Word of God. She hosts 'God's Grace and You with Gigi' on the Truth Talk America Network, which shares hot topics with viewers, Changing Lanes with Health, DIY projects, and 'Good News' bible teaching with her co-host Andrea.

Grace of God


Inspiring messages, beautiful scenery and music will bring to you life-changing experiences: Embrace the everlasting love of God, His amazing grace, precious promises, peace that passes understanding, and joy unspeakable. Learn about HEAVEN. Grow in your personal relationship with Christ Jesus, the risen Savior. He desires to have communion with you. Enjoy your heritage as God's child; you are in CHRIST. Reign in life through Christ. Gain strength to overcome obstacles. The Word of our God is woven beautifully within the messages. Learn to hear the voice of God & know the Father's love. The miracles of Jesus, His wisdom and the power of the cross will inspire you. Learn to walk with God our Father & Jesus the Messiah through the power of the Holy Spirit. Abundant life here & the glory of Heaven await every believer. You will personally experience the eternal love, forgiveness, and the power of a born-again life in Christ. He is risen from the dead; let Him reign in your life. Amen!

God's grace and power services


God’s grace and power services are services where Kolton Oxshire speaks the love, truth, grace, and power of the one true living God. And the spiritual blessings we have in Christ The one Who DID die on the cross for OUR sins. And raised from the dead for us so we can have everlasting life, freedom and strong safety in this world and in heaven. And be in heaven forever with God the father, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit after leaving this world and the things of the flesh behind. And Kolton Oxshire also speaks about having and experiencing the blessings in this world God wants us to have and experiencing in this world. And believes in causing the plans of the enemy to be nullified and causing the plans of God to prosper.

Abiding In God's Grace© Ministries


Hey Y'all! Welcome To Abiding In God's Grace© Ministries [AIGGM]. We're So Happy To Have Y'all Here and Have Y'all Become Apart Of AIGGM©, and Be AIGGM© FAM! :) May The Lord God Almighty Bless Each and Every Single One Of You! We Are A [independent] Sound Doctrine Straight Out The Bible Ministry and Ambassadors For Christ! We Are Focused On Bringing All To God Almighty Through Christ Yeshua [Jesus] and Bringing All To The TRUTH! FOLLOW AIGGM, Be and Stay CHRISTLIKE.. ALERT.. AWARE.. AWAKE.. SOBER.. REPENTANT.. HUMBLE.. COURAGEOUS.. FAITHFUL! WE ARE LIVING IN & WITNESSING THE BIBLICAL PROPHESIED END TIMES! LEARN & KNOW THE TRUTH.. NO MATTER THE COST! Be The Difference and Change That You Desperately Want To See [and Need] In The World! GOD ALMIGHTY WARNED US... NOW, HE IS PREPARING US! Abiding in God's Grace © Ministries [AIGGM] is an Online Ministry that's sole purpose is to Glorify the Lord Our God. And dedicated to helping Our Fellow Brothers and Sisters. Love Always and God Bless Y'all.

God's Grace, Jesus' Love and You


The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14 We are a sanctuary of Christian motivation, inspiration, prayers, and devotions. Dedicated to our mission, we strive to provide enriching, faith-based content that ignites, enlightens, and elevates your soul every day. Join us on a meaningful journey as we delve into thought-provoking scriptures, heartfelt prayers, captivating inspirational and motivational videos, and profound teachings. Our goal is to deepen your connection with God and unleash the transformative potential of His Word in your life. Follow now and immerse yourself in the divine embrace of God's grace and the unwavering love of Jesus Christ. If you are led to support our ministry, you may do so here: ► DONATIONS 👉https://www.buymeacoffee.com/godsgracejesusloveandyou Thank you for your support. May the Lord bless you and keep you, may His love, grace and peace be with you always!

God's Grace is Sufficient


This channel will remind you of GOD'S Grace, what HIS Grace means, and how it is sufficient enough for you and I. I've been church hurt twice, taken advantage of in life and my career as a nurse, now I am stepping out on faith by relocating from my hometown Philadelphia and walking away from nursing because GOD said it was time for Him to use me in a greater way. I have a testimony and Word within me from all of this and more...Let's dive deeper into our relationship with JESUS CHRIST together here.