137 FollowersReawaken Tour
Reawaken Tour
I\'ve taken some of the worst times of my life and created some of the best items that I could have the ability to create. My life was torn down in 2013 when I couldn\'t find a position in the healthcare field. I was highly paid, but the roll-out of certain legislation forced the businesses that I worked with had to settle for lower-paying workers. Other events like riots in my neighborhood have forced me indoors and depressed. To fight circumstances, I had to fight back by creating. I can\'t sit still and simmer in depression, I HAD to CREATE! \n\nThis channel will show you my successes, and failures during my journey. I am strong, I am confident, I am making gains every single day and invite you to come one my journey. Let\'s get through this together. \n\n#DIY, Crafting, crafts, diy home decor, positive energy, uplifting, encouraging, depression, mental illness, created for a purpose, laughter, love, victory over depression, life changing mentality, you are beautiful, you are wonderful
Golden doodle Reggie Carl being Reggie Carl
我是Maggie,三个孩子的妈妈,北京、温哥华20年互联网教育和媒体的搬砖经历。 最近刚被Layoff,人生中第一次。感谢2030,你一无所有,但很快乐! 切切实实的小目标:不要当一个傻瓜! 在这个乌烟瘴气的大染缸里,用常识和孩子一起探讨严肃的话题和世界乱象。 为年轻一代提供最富饶自由的精神环境,为海外出生、长大的华裔孩子们保驾护航。
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