The Church of Israel, Missouri


This is the Rumble channel for the Church of Israel, Missouri and it's associated Pastors: Dan Gayman and Reed Benson. Sermons, music and doctrine are Christian and based solely on belief in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Divinely-inspired King James Bible. Our Fellowship is non-denominational Protestant, sola scriptura. We believe and hold to the Apostles and Nicene Creed. We hold to the belief in racial separatism. We hold to the truth of Israel being the Caucasian race dispersed across the globe. We hold to the Saturday, 7th day Sabbath. We keep the Biblical festivals according to the Biblical calendar. We worship and meet near Schell City, MO. If you are interested in meeting with us, please contact 417-432-3119. Also check out the Church website @ Like our videos and share them. Thanks for watching.

Full Spectrum Universe Verified


WELCOME TO THE MOVEMENT!! Full Spectrum Universe is a place where we explore the internal and potential of all of humanity. There are infinite paths to source, but one road leads to internalization. We the forever students investigate all that is or was and will be. Topics of interest Ancestral Knowledge, Ancient Civilizations, Esoteric or Occult investigations, Contact or UFO and UAP encounters, Histories of all types, Truth-Seeker, Conspiracies and Spirituality. Shinning the light onto some of the darkest corners to expose truths. THE INFORMATION IS THE ACTIVATION WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR Remember I am with all of you always..



Welcome born again Israelites. Please share the link to this channel and thank you for subscribing and liking the content. If anyone needs deliverance and has demons that need to be cast out, curses that need to be broken or demonic soul ties that need to be cut off call me on my cell number at +1 (909) 222 9315. We are all about the word of God that our Lord Yeshua commanded us to live by and the Great Commission He commanded us to carry out.🔥🕊️ Please go to my brother Abraham’s channel and subscribe to it at this link: Check out his channel’s description for more information and where you can find these three links- To his amazing book about Bible prophecy: To find out what his channel is all about: To join his Kingdom Secrets Academy:

Buy a Piece of Israel ®


We encourage Jews all around the world to take part in owning a piece of land in Israel. It's a Mitzva, that impacts all of us!! To have Jews from all over the world get involved by actually purchasing parts or all of large agricultural lots and then create jobs by having all Jewish labor manage fruit producing produce with a percentage of yield going to the new land owners. This is a win-win-win-win situation. First, by Jews purchasing the land with a long term goal, our enemies can not. Second, by working the land, Jewish labor and residency in the local areas increase. Third, since the land will be managed regularly, the potential squatters will have to look elsewhere. And finally, instead of making a donation, the purchaser owns something in the Land of Israel that will also give him/her a modest profit and he/she fulfills the commandment of owning land in Eretz Yisrael.