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Siemanko jestem Michał, ten kanał będzie poświęcony Technologi Blockchain, Kryptowalutom, DeFi oraz szeroko pojętemu zarabianiu online. Zapraszam na moja strone www.moneymakesmoney.info gdzie znajdziecie wiele ciekawych materiałów pomocniczych. Prowadze również grupę na FB i Discord do której dostaniecie sie przez zapis na mojego darmowego E-Booka - Podstawy Kryptowalut - https://www.moneymakesmoney.info/podstawy-kryptowalut/

Crypto, Blockchain, Tech, Web3 Innovation and Freedom


Paul Barron Network is part of the Rever Networks media project for various content verticals led by award-winning journalist, author, and futurist Paul Barron. Our mission is to help our audience understand and embrace the future of technology that focuses on Crypto and Blockchain, AI, Robotics, and Consumer Tech. Our vision of a sustainable future is built on the basis of how technology can be used for good to affect mankind. This platform dives into crypto and investing analysis, tech reviews, tech business analysis, and interviews with leading experts and change agents defining our technology-driven future.

Web3 l NFT l Metaverse l Biggest Cryptocurrency Awareness Channel for Urdu-speaking crowd around the world


Waqar Zaka is the leading voice in the crypto space since 2015, having over 4.7 Million crypto followers, he has been invited at the leading Blockchain conferences around the world as a speaker because of his crypto social media marketing skills & charity work in the warzone areas, teaching refugees how they can use crypto to earn profits without middlemen & especially for creating content that attracts a massive audience towards the crypto space. Famous for getting Crypto unbanned in Pakistan by fighting a Court case without a lawyer as in Pakistan no one had any idea about crypto at that time, launching hydro-power based Crypto mining farms in Northern areas of Pakistan, launched a proof of stake.