Christian D Evans

1 Follower

Mentorship “When you find yourself as a part of something greater than your own selfish ambitions, you don’t get muddled up in the day-to-day things of life, and you create a work habit. That consistent work habit creates emotional stability, which makes this journey a whole lot simpler,” Christian Evans has said of the incredible impact that mentorship and positive association have had on his life. He didn’t make it very far down that path before he realized that it wasn’t for him—that he was missing something fundamental. That fundamental element that he was lacking just so happened to be mentorship. Luckily for Christian, he had grown up in a household that valued positive associations. He fought hard to be taken seriously and for the chance to be coached & mentored. Because he was given the opportunity to be mentored by such outstanding people, Christian feels that he now has the responsibility—and the privilege—to pay it forward. Follow to be mentored!



CE CANAL a comme OBJECTIF: PARTAGER LA BONNE NOUVELLE, L’ÉVANGILE de NOTRE SEIGNEUR JÉSUS-CHRIST! Ce message D'AMOUR, de PAIX et de RÉCONCILIATION avec DIEU grâce au SACRIFICE que JÉSUS-CHRIST, son FILS UNIQUE, a accompli sur LA CROIX pour nous donner LE PARDON DES PÉCHÉS, pour nous LIBÉRER DE LA COLÈRE ÉTERNELLE de Dieu À VENIR, afin que nous puissions MARCHER EN NOUVEAUTÉ DE VIE dans une COMMUNION ÉTERNELLE de JUSTICE et de SAINTETÉ avec LE CRÉATEUR de l'Univers et de tout ce qui le contient, dans une PLEINE ASSURANCE, SANS AUCUNE CRAINTE, EN ATTENDANT SON IMMINENT RETOUR sur la terre. Je suis Serge Watchouang, Pasteur-Évangéliste dans la communauté "Chiesa Evangelica il Perugino" (Pérouse, Italie) Que la GRÂCE et les MISÉRICORDES de notre SEIGNEUR et SAUVEUR JÉSUS-CHRIST vous soient multipliées.