

I want to tell my story in hopes to help get my story to the right parties to create change of stigma, justice and futures. I also don't want to ever talk about some of these events again...EVER....they are insane..and I come with receipts. This way I can have them documented and move forward. I also am an older mother. I became pregnant at late 36yrs old with a man I loved and was engaged too and he vanished on me. I understand I am pretty far into my life so I want him to be able to view who I was one day...being realistic the platforms may not exist and neither might we at this rate...but I am giving it the "old college try"..Oh I have a smart ass mouth and some really entertaining ones to tell too....buckle up...this is going nowhere that you expect it too! CHooooCHOOOO! also also also :)

What's Happening, Honey?


During the week they live the daily grind of working busy careers, parenting kids, and keeping each other on the right side of sanity. Sometimes they have to remember to take a deep breath and just ask the other “What’s Happening, Honey?” We’ve all been there right? Crazy week with horrible deliverables at work, while the daycare calls about one kid coughing and the school calls about the other’s laptop charger that’s been lost… and you feel like you see your partner in crime for an hour or so a week? This is our weekly hang trying to get a reaction out of each other. “What’s Happening, Honey?”, is a weekly show hosted by a usually happy couple (though one of us can get fairly grumpy at times and generally has a dark sense of humor). We’ll catch up on everything we have going on as well as try to get a rise out of each other. Join us every week, as we unwind and we can all get a little distracted from our harsh realities. Join the conversation, drop a comment or send us a message!

lets see whats happens

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