For enlightening the world. JOHN, MESHA, TIM, YOU
It seems that the requirements for creation to be sustained are within the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. For example, let's say there were 100,000 people in Sodom and Gomorrah. If we divide 100000 by 10 (the minimum number of people required to be righteous or on higher frequencies or closer to the Creator's love or those who see His love without distortion), that means one Lightworker can counteract the negative or low-frequency energies of 10000 people with a lower bar or balance it with greater averages. Abraham tried, but it wasn't enough for three people to meet the requirements to save the citys. Looking at it from an energetic perspective, this makes a lot of sense and gives us clues that God's commands are not just laws but also requirements and recommendations for our reality or creation to be maintained through all aspects, energies and laws that keep creation together. Just like computer admins service a computer network, we do it here by being a God's light or example of it. The result of this conclusion is that, if we raise each others' light within, we will get much further from minimum requirements and provide right energy by filtering what we feel each moment or making an attempt to be more aware of it. We can run with this idea and transform our reality or the world for the better, which is why we founded this community.
We all go through similar lessons and experiences in life. Sometimes, they may be harsh. Together, we want to dig deeper into the practical truth to make our decisions based on it, where possible, to avoid the consequences of poor decisions as much as possible. Because life on our planet is short compared to life during the times of Noah or other planets. To experience joy, we must feel good, which we can achieve by learning recommendations and laws that affect us in this or that way. We can put it all in one word: the Truth. We are limited in our ability to make better decisions because someone hides the truth from us, but we can change that and put more effort into finding the truth together. In the process, we can inspire others and, when we do, we may be amazed by the positive results that our brothers, sisters, friends, and family get. We may also save time for the people and things we love by simply making less mistakes in life. So let's find the truth together and introduce each person to their spiritual side, to their higher self, to work on themselves, to increase love, awareness, and the quality of life for each individual and in everyone's surroundings.
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