Spirit Empowered Ministries


Equipping Believers to step from being knowers of the word of God, to being doers of the word of God by bringing them into identity, empowering them with Holy Spirit fire, Teaching them to hear God, training in the Prophetic, training in Evangelism, and praying for the sick. All this will be done by connecting believers to the source of life found in the person of Jesus Christ, bringing them into a place of community with other passionate lovers of Jesus, and building bridges among different ministries.

Arts Empowering Life-The Human Spirit Emboldened for Change Verified


Arts Empowering Life (AEL) is a non-profit Arts foundation from Cape Cod, MA, dedicated to the pursuit of beauty, truth, and faith in the Arts, sharing inspiration and education with people across many nationalities, cultures, and traditions. AEL has a rich history of reaching out to America’s youth through the arts in the form of workshops, camps, and the Youth Performers Outreach Program, which offers free tickets to all events for children and students. Performing ensembles of Arts Empowering Life include Gloriæ Dei Cantores, the founding ensemble of Arts Empowering Life, Elements Theatre Company, Organists of the St. Cecilia Organ at the Church of the Transfiguration, Gabriel V Brass Ensemble, Chara Percussion Ensemble, Gaudete Baroque Ensemble, and the Wind Ensemble. Learn more at artsempoweringlife.org After thirty years of sustained artistic growth, Arts Empowering Life has put its roots down with a new, innovative, multi-purpose Arts facility in Brewster, MA. This building provides a creative space for education, rehearsal, and inspirational work for the greater community. It surrounds both the young and the established artist with beauty and design, inspiring all who walk through its doors to create with a greater purpose. This new building is a bricks and mortar commitment to the importance and integrity of the Arts. Current society is facing challenges of isolation and divisiveness. We seek to uphold the Arts in a mission of healing, restoration, and wholeness, both now, and for future generations. Learn more at performingartsbuildingcapecod.org.

Actualize your dreams with the most powerful spiritual methods


Hi dear angel! Here you’ll find spiritual and personal growth methods and tools that will help you take your transformation to the next level. From meditation and visualization sessions to hypnosis, positive affirmations workbooks, energy healing tools for releasing blocks, methods for developing your resiliency and confidence, knowledge for expanding your consciousness and challenging your current perspective, and so much more! Have you ever tried a specific tool that worked for someone but it didn’t work for you? It’s not that it doesn’t work! IF IT WORKS FOR YOU OR NOT DEPENDS ON YOUR CURRENT STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS! If some methods from my channel don’t yield the results you want, DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED! They are not yet suitable for your state of consciousness! Do the one that you feel naturally drawn to! Keep SMILING and here's wishing you have a WONDERFUL LIFE filled with SMILES and HUGS and KISSES and all things NICE! To your happiness! With all my love, Barbara