Skip Heitzig


Skip Heitzig ministers to over 15,000 people as senior pastor of Calvary Church in Albuquerque. He reaches out to thousands across the nation and throughout the world through his multimedia ministry including a nationwide half-hour radio program, Connect with Skip Heitzig. He is the author of several books including Bloodline, You Can Understand the Book of Revelation, and The Bible from 30,000 Feet. He has also published over two dozen booklets in the Lifestyle series, covering aspects of Christian living. He serves on several boards, including Samaritan\'s Purse and Harvest. Skip and his wife, Lenya, and son and daughter-in-law, Nathan and Janaé, live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Skip and Lenya are the proud grandparents of Seth Nathaniel and Kaydence Joy.

LionHeart Protection Strategies


LionHeart is a world-class team of professional security experts with a calling to provide the best possible security support and comprehensive training available. Highly trained to handle a full spectrum of security consulting in a variety of locations, our team has a passion to provide the most effective security assistance and training in the nation. Our approach is to work with our clients to assess their current security situation and threats, develop a balanced and effective program to address any concerns, and provide the planning, training, and support to meet their need. We know you need results from your security program, and we can provide them. Security experts with operational experience from the Secret Service, Homeland Security, the Armed Forces, the Customs Service, and Private Industry, as well as local police officers with specialized and SWAT expertise comprise the most effective and professional security team available.

Sailing adventures of Psycho Skipper


With over 27,000 Nautical miles of experience and 1,700 sea days and nights on the water. We are now providing skippered charters and yacht deliveries. I am an RYA Skipper and ICC International Competent Captain, currently working on my RYA, Yacht Master with a Commercial endorsement for a 200 ton vessel. I am an Open Water Certified diver and completed various CYA & Canadian Power and Sail Squadron certifications which include Power/Sailboat handling, Seamanship Sail, Piloting/charting, CYA Coastal Navigation, GPS Navigation and Extended Offshore Cruising.

Dag Heward-Mills Korle Gonno


Enjoy these and many more videos of the world renowned Evangelist, prolific Christian Author and Super-mega church pastor, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills on this channel Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills is the founder of the United Denominations, a world wide denomination with a presence in 100 countries. As the healing evangelist of the Healing Jesus Campaigns, thousands have been miraculously healed and millions have received salvation through Jesus Christ. Many in remote towns in Africa will testify of the amazing miracles they witnessed when they experienced the Healing Jesus Campaigns. As a worldwide Conference Speaker, Evangelist Dag has thousands of messages preached. As a bestselling author he has an amazing 100-book library known as the Makarios. The answer to many of your questions is in the Makarios! As you follow this page, may you begin to know God in a way you have never before! Don’t forget to click the subscribe button and turn on all notifications



Welcome to my channel dedicated to transforming your personal finances and propelling your journey to prosperity. Here, we delve into solid investment strategies, insights into the economy, and practical tips to build wealth sustainably. We unravel the secrets of financial success, covering everything from budgeting basics to advanced investment strategies. Learn to make informed financial decisions, unravel the mysteries of the market, and develop a robust financial mindset. Whether you're a beginner seeking solid foundations or an experienced investor looking to optimize your gains, this is the place to discover the power of money when managed wisely. Join the community and embark on the journey toward financial independence and lasting enrichment. Let's conquer your financial goals together! 💰🚀



Kort om Vinnarskolan: Syftet med Vinnarskolan är att ge folk de verktyg som behövs för att kunna bli sina bästa versioner, något som inte är helt lätt i dagens värld där störningsmomenten och de kortsiktiga belöningarna är fler än någonsin. Alexander menar dock att det är fullt möjligt att övervinna dessa hinder som står i vägen för ett framgångsrikt liv och att vägen dit går genom att bit för bit ändra sina vanor. Det är det som alla former av personlig utveckling bygger på. Vinnarskolans vision är därför att ge folk utomordentliga verktyg till självförbättring så att de med tiden kan formas till de bättre människor som bygger morgondagens samhälle. För varje samhälle är en spegelbild av alla de människor som utgör det och vill vi ha ett bättre och livskraftigare samhälle så måste individerna som utgör det bli bättre människor. Besök därför gärna hemsidan ”” där jag löpande kommer att lägga ut poddar, filmer och artiklar som berör det mesta inom personlig utveckling. Helt gratis dessutom! Gillar du Vinnarskolan och det jag gör? Donera då gärna en slant till antingen Swish: 1236397772 eller Bankgiro: 5188-3304 Ditt stöd betyder oerhört mycket för mitt fortsatta arbete i att driva, utveckla och förbättra Vinnarskolan. Stort tack för din gåva! Alexander Söderberg Ordf Vinnarskolan