The New Revelation of Jesus Christ


The teachings of the New Revelation, given by Jesus through inner dictation to his two scribes Jakob Lorber and Gottfried Mayerhofer between 1840 and 1877, perfectly confirm the Scriptures, but also develop, enrich and explain them in an unbelievable measure (the central work is the 7000 pages Great Gospel of John). All the fundamental questions and issues that ever preoccupied the human beings find extraordinary consistent and relevant answers here; there are also precise and very important scientific and technological predictions that found there validation, after long preparations or conflicts of the scientists, decades or more than a century later. These teachings contain detailed prophecies concerning our modern societies, the great trials of the End Time (which have already started) and the Second Coming of the Lord (which will occur in less than 2000 years from His death on the cross, at a time where humanity would be sunk in the greatest physicial and spiritual misery). There are many proofs for the authenticity of the New Revelation considering the way it was conceived (manuscripts are available at the Lorber Verlag Publishing House in Germany), the logic and perfect consistence of all books, the historical data and the amazing accomplished predictions… so there are many things that can charm and convince an open and rational mind. But the real core of these texts is the purest and greatest love only a loving heart can recognize and validate… The books of the New Revelation have been translated from German in various other European languages during the last couple of decades and have been offered for free on the Internet. A site of presentation with thematic excerpts videos and references towards the books and other associated resources at: Please feel free to download and share everything you have already accepted in your heart as good and true, for the word of God has no copyright and is meant to reach the entire humanity. The New Revelation of Christ The Books of the NR (v1) The Books of the NR (v2) NR Presentations and Excerpts Teachings NR Brochures NR Studies NR Excerpts