Broke Moe Howard UHF TV Channel 33


Welcome to our UHF channel, I am the station manager, Broke Moe Howard! This station has been running on a shoe string budget for some time so I decided we needed to make some changes, big changes! I said to myself, "You know what this station needs Broke Moe?! STAR POWER!" I dug through the desk drawers, found some loose change, a paper clip and a stick of old gum. In other words, I needed someone who would work for the promise of fame and high jinks... that's when I hired Groucho and of course, Mr. Bonejangles! What a comedy duo these two are! Explore the community with Groucho and Mr. Bonejangles as they go on adventures out and about! Watch them as they share with you their reactions to campy, B-grade films, TV shows and retro commercials! But most of all stay for the hilarity that ensues!

DobroLang in 33 Languages


DobroLang is my new method for learning foreign languages, which I have been developing since 2010. My goal is to be able to quickly learn to read & listen in a foreign language by developing a large vocabulary. The basis of my method is reading interesting real texts and memorizing new words from them, using my special techniques. Once I have learned enough words, I move on to listening & watching videos in the new language. I study grammar only as needed. I believe that learning to speak should be the last task & only done when necessary, after you have enough listening experience. If you're interested in learning languages or in other topics that I discuss, please subscribe, ask any questions and tell me about any mistakes in my videos!



Comunicación y Entretención. Este canal no está creado con intenciones de seguir las tendencias modernas ni para alcanzar la popularidad. Quiero dejar en claro que gran parte del contenido no es de producción original, sino recopilaciones y material que he encontrado significativo. No esperes contenido producido con la intención de ser viral o seguir las normas convencionales e intranscendentes de los “influencers” de la actualidad. Este es un lugar donde la autenticidad y el valor personal son prioritarios. Compartiré videos que simplemente me gustan y que han sido útiles en mi vida, tanto en el ámbito de la evolución personal como en el área del ocio, con el deseo de que aquellos que lo vean también puedan encontrar algo de valor en el material publicado.