Cold Play


With over 100 million records sold, 9 Brit Awards and 7 Grammys, Coldplay is an iconic, alternative rock band with hit songs like Viva La Vida, Hymn For The Weekend, Paradise, The Scientist, Fix You, Adventure Of A Lifetime and Yellow. The band's legendary catalogue also includes eight #1 albums: Parachutes, A Rush of Blood to the Head, X&Y, Viva la Vida, Mylo Xyloto, Ghost Stories and A Head Full of Dreams, as well as popular collaborations like Something Just Like This with The Chainsmokers and Princess of China featuring Rihanna. Subscribe to Coldplay’s channel for the latest official videos.

Music Master Play Along


Welcome to Music Master Play Along! This Channel is for the musician that is looking to play along with your favorite bands & having your instrument [Guitar, Bass, Drums & Vocals] removed from the song. An example is present on this channels homepage and for a small subscription you will have access to an extensive library of all musical tastes. With 3 [Looking to upload more] songs added weekly, you will have the song you're looking for be available any time you need. All subscriptions come with unlimited requests for a particular song you are looking for, and once a reply from Music master has been acknowledged, your song will become available to you in 24 hours. The world needs music and musicians and this channel is for you! Happy Playing! Music Master.

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This channel about Music videos Ready to make your day complete? “Lucky” by John Johns. Live from Los Angeles California! Time to feel loved while listening to this music! Bring out the best out of your love language with this music! Never change anything about you. Musician, meet the listener. Listener, meet the musician. Relax your mind with this music clip that you actually need! Relax your soul, rest your mind, list down your thoughts, and leave a note! Life will get better with this song about “Life without Life.” Let us know more about the world and our life here on Earth. Hi, John! Tell everyone about this new work of music brought to you by Elton! Tired of the mean life you are living? Time to end that feeling with this song! This song has the right words just for you! Start getting related with love by listening to this song!