Watchman Reports Online Ministry Church


The Most High Yah revealed to me that the Churches are asleep and that judgment has begun at the house of Yah, and to wake his people up. SOUND THE ALARM! Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Ya’acob(Jacob) their sins. The church must receive the truth, but many in the churches including Pastors are fighting against Yah’s Watchmen and are even laying stumbling blocks in their paths. These Pastors and Churches will be judged. Yah has put in me the desire to bring the truth to the people of Yah by the way of internet and broadcast. This website was set up to bring the latest End-time events, revelations, and hidden truths to the light that the body of Yahshua (The church) may be washed by the word and sanctified by the truth. Our Ministry is a non-profit organization dedicated to building up the Body of Yahshua. It is our call from Yahshua the Messiah to be a tool for Yah’s use in bringing his people into the truth.

Jewels Colony Ministries

1 Follower

The purpose of Jewels Colony Ministries is very simply, for Fellowship, Worship, and Service. Think of it as a group of friends who encourage each other unto greater faith and service in God, studying the Word together, growing in faith together, and serving our generation together. Come aboard this train and join our live studies, worship sessions, and in-person events that would be announced here. In JCM, we believe that God has a divine purpose for everyone - a Masterplan, and it is our desire to see your purpose in God fulfilled.



Evangelism, Holiness, Righteousness, Sanctification,Heaven, Hell. HOME OF FAITH ONLINE MINISTRY. Believes in reaching out to the lost soul at all cost. In a bid of achieving this, she organizes outreaches and other outdoor prayer programs both locally. the ministry believe in contributing and impacting society. and can not stand the suffering of the masses. believers in helping the less privileged. From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Matthew 4:17.