One Message Foundation


السلام على من اتبع الهدى Peace be upon the one who follows Divine guidance. We are 501c non-profit organization in United States. The purpose of One Message Foundation is to educate people about Islam. If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you for visiting this channel, click the "SUBSCRIBE" button to stay connected. If you enjoy our videos, please LIKE and SHARE them. Take care and be well in these trying times, One Message Foundation

One Ummah


Dear Viewers, We need your support & help. We are currently working on two channels. One in English and another in Bengali. Millions of people in Bangladesh & East India are watching our videos in Bengali language. please donate & support our channels to continue and subscribe to our channels. Jazzak Allah Khairan Donate Here : ► Subscribe Now: / thebeliever ► Connect with Facebook: ✔️If you like our content and would like to stay updated please subscribe and press the bell🔔 (next to the subscribe button) to receive updates and notifications !! PLEASE NOTE ❗️ Any of the views expressed by the speakers do not necessarily represent the views of The Believer or any other projects it may have or intend to do. The Believer and it's affiliates do not advocate nor condone any unlawful activity towards any individual or community. COPYRIGHT©️ NOTICE: We allow anyone to translate our content and reshare videos but the video must remain branded under The Believer (with our logo and channel link) all speakers and artists should also be credited in the description.