Two Doomed Men


Two friends discuss and debate the political, cultural and societal issues/news of the times. We also interview interesting guests, goof off for some fun episodes with friends, review TV Shows, Movies, Guns and other cool stuff. In addition we periodically host Funko POPcast specials, where we unbox and show our Funkos with other collectors. You can also listen to us on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, iTunes, Spotify, and TuneInRadio. (Support the show)-

The Two Critical Podcast


We all have that one Uncle that isn't shy about speaking his mind. Maybe he drinks to much, maybe he gambles on local cock fights, or maybe he has slept with more than one of your Aunts? Either way he's usually awesome to be around. The TWO CRITICAL PODCAST is like your awesome Uncle. We show up at your Little League game with a small cooler and may or may not tell the Umpire to "SHIT IN HIS HAT.' We call it like it is while offering our own opinions on pop culture including movies, televisions shows and the latest social media bullshit. Listen and learn and give your Uncle a fucking break!