Generally, cats, dogs or other pet guardians, you are responsible for loving and nurturing them with kindness and care, including protection.


Generally, cats, dogs or other pet guardians, you are responsible for loving and nurturing them with kindness and care, including Prevention of pain, disease and injury Make your pet live by their natural behavior through play, rehearsal and interaction Provide adequate partnerships to meet the emotional and social needs / training of your pet, despite close and daily interactions with people A healthy diet is appropriate for the age and needs of your pet. E.g. Animal feed such as fish bones are dangerous for cats Appropriate environment e.g. Comfortable and safe shelter, suitable toilet (separate from eating and sleeping), toys and emotional stimulation

All kinds of dogs & cat lover.


The best and funniest moments with cats and dogs! You will laugh so hard! Look how all these cats & dogs play, make ridiculous sound, behave, annoy each other,... So ridiculous, funny and cute! What is your favorite clip? :) Hope you like our video, please share it and SUBSCRIBE! Watch also our other videos! The content in this video is licensed and used with authorization of the rights holder. If you have any questions about video or clip licensing, please contact us: WANT TO SEE YOUR PET IN OUR VIDEO? Send your clips or links to:

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