Family Life International


Family Life International (FLI) is an international partnership of Catholics working to promote and defend the sanctity of Life and to restore and maintain the pre-eminence of the traditional family as paramount in God’s plan. It is well known that wherever children are welcomed in an environment replete with the blessings of love, truth and lifelong commitment, a Culture of Life is born. FLI, therefore, works to build strong families and to protect the life and human dignity not only of the unborn child but, also, that of the elderly and of the vulnerable. For more information visit:

This is a International Funny Channel and We are always trying to provide the best quality Funny Videos,Prank Videos. We have some funny type friends, they all time make some fun acting as real or fake

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Hello everyone, Welcome to our channel. This is a International Funny Channel and We are always trying to provide the best quality Funny Videos,Prank Videos. We have some funny type friends, they all time make some fun acting as real or fake. some time they are make real fun with public site and take videos outside of there knowledge. please subscribe our channel and like our Videos. MY FAMILY is about Funny and some funny instances happening around his Friends and actor. HEY GUYS FOLLOW MY CHANNEL KEEP SUPPORTING ME AND SHARE SUBSCRIBE MY VIDEO AND THANKS FOR WATCHING VIDEOS Like, shared & subscribe

International Family News Italia

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iFamNews è un progetto dell’International Organization for the Family (IOF). Ci anima il desiderio di dare vita al primo strumento informativo pro family e pro life davvero mondiale. Proprio come raccoglie decine di migliaia di leader di tutto il mondo attorno al World Congress of Families (WCF), il Congresso mondiale delle famiglie, così, con questa iniziativa editoriale, la IOF punta a creare una comunità globale di lettori online di cui diventare la fonte d’informazione privilegiata.

International Family News Serbia

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iFamNews је пројекат Међународне организације за породицу (IOF). Наш примарни циљ је изградња првог, истинског, глобалног про-породичног информативног портала. Баш као што је IOFујединио на десетине хиљада лидера широм света у Светски конгрес породица (WCF), овом новом иницијативом, радимо на стварању онлајн глобалне читалачке публике, за коју ћемо бити информативни извор од поверења.

International Family News - Germany


iFamNews ist ein Projekt der Internationalen Organisation für die Familie (IOF). Unser Bestreben ist, die erste wirklich globale Familien- und Lebensschutz Nachrichtenseite im Web zu schaffen. Wie die IOF zehntausende Lebensschützer der ganzen Welt in dem Weltkongress für Familien (WCF) vereint hat, so hoffen wir mit dieser neuen Initiative eine globale Familienschutz-Gemeinschaft aufzubauen, der Leser als verlässliche Nachrichtenquelle vertrauen können.

International Family News - España


iFamNews es un proyecto de la Organización Internacional para la Familia (IOF). Nuestro objetivo no es nada menos que construir el primer medio de comunicación pro-familia y pro-vida verdaderamente global. De la misma manera que IOF ha unido a decenas de miles de líderes de todo el mundo en nuestros eventos del Congreso Mundial de Familias (WCF), con esta nueva iniciativa esperamos crear una comunidad global de lectores pro-familia en línea que puedan confiar en nosotros como fuente de noticias. .