The Fight Against Human Trafficking


Raising awareness to take on the biggest atrocity of our generation; #humantrafficking. Bringing the discussion of human trafficking into the light! By educating ourselves on the issue of modern slavery and equipping ourselves with real-world insights, we can respond appropriately, keep our loved ones safe, and make a real difference. We'll tell the real story of modern slavery, expose predators, and enable ourselves to be safer and stronger in this fight. Motivational Speaker, Sabrina Stratford, enjoyed a 25-year career as Global Business Development Manager in IT and resigned at the pinnacle of her career to take up the fight against human trafficking. She gained real-world experience as a Criminal Justice Technician with the Alaska Department of Safety in the Sex Offender/Child Kidnapper Registry and serving trafficked women in the Anchorage emergency shelter; Downtown Hope Center. This unique skillset will now be leveraged to end human trafficking.



Q sent me, WE ARE THE NEWS NOW! EVERYTHING we have ever been taught, about ANYTHING, is complete and utter fabrication - YOU WILL BE WITNESS! Doing my bit for The Great Awakening. A dedicated truther, facilitating exposure of the nefarious goings-on of the Deep State from the Arctic to America to Africa to Antarctica, 1 Normie @ a time... Keep an open mind as you extricate yourself from the Matrix and descend the rabbit hole... The real truth is exploding, minute by minute, onto the Alternative Media Platforms - Take a deep dive and question everything. The global Fakestream Media machine has been infiltrated everywhere and is disseminating a scripted narrative/pantomime, in order to wake you up - "You'll Love How This Movie Ends." - PDJT Trust the PLAN, Hold the LINE - Emergency Broadcast System incoming... This channel is intended expressly for red-pilling and not for monetary gain or marketing of any kind. RED-PILLING; To cause (someone) to have their perspective dramatically transformed, especially by introducing them to a new and typically disturbing understanding of the true nature of a particular situation. Reference to a scene in the 1999 film The Matrix, in which the protagonist is offered the choice between taking a blue pill that will restore his ordinary experience of reality and a red pill that will reveal its true nature.

Teachings and Prayers for Healing from SRA, MKultra, Human Trafficking


Reverend Rachel is a fierce prayer warrior against the injustices in our society and the agendas of human trafficking, satanic ritual abuse, and religion covering it up. She is a survivor of the Mormon occult, MKultra, satanic ritual abuse, and childhood sexual trafficking. She survived religious persecution and abuse amongst her journey seeking healing with Jesus. She is ordained and has an apostolic covering that sent her to Phoenix on the Lord’s assignment. She pleads and preaches for the church to return to her first love, and repent to receive Grace, that Grace can then be extended to our neighbors.