Work Less - Make More - Live Free! With no limitations, what does your perfect day look like?


What if it’s possible to live like that every day? Would you wake up after 9 a.m? Have perfect health? Maybe fire your boss? Have the money and time freedom to do what you love most? The world is your oyster. Where would you be? Who would you be with? The possibilities are endless! Weather you believe it’s possible for you or not, you CAN make more, work less and live free! Welcome to Freedom Hack Radio, where Entrepreneur, Bestselling Author, World Traveler and Adventurer, Bryce Robertson and special guests crack the code on: money, health, relationships, spirituality and having fun doing what you love most. Be inspired to create your own self-designed freedom lifest

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In 2013 I was told by the Lord that He is sick to His stomach from the Lukewarmness that has taken over His church and that He is about to vomit this Lukewarm church out of His mouth as stated in Revelation 3. This lukewarmness has been in the church for well over a thousand plus years and God has finally had enough and is getting ready to vomit His lukewarm church out of His mouth. The message I was given, was to go to His leaders and His people to let them know, they MUST turn from the Lukewarmness in His church. Too many traditions and “ways we have always done things”, etc., have been added to His church and the way they operate and worship the Lord. We all must get back to His word, solely. We must take a deep look at what we consider today's church to be, compared to what Jesus taught and how the disciples practiced what Jesus gave them. We should all be experiencing the power that was promised in the book of Acts, which is based on the power of the Holy Spirit, not the acts of man, that power is almost non-existent today. Each person must examine every facet of their worship to be sure it is in line with what is in God's word. God wants us to be hot, not lukewarm. We all must change our ways and eliminate everything that is not in God's word.