Music, lifestyle,food,consert, bollywood songs,hindi,and many languages songs video creator


HAVASguruhi lifestyle is official channel,its a lifestyle of musical group of HAVASguruhi. Subscribed Welcome to the channel HAVASguruhi Hindi language means -ARZOO. 1.Bollywood songs. 2.Indian songs. 3.Classical 4.modern music. 5.Uzbek pop music. Болливудские песни. Индийские песни. Классическая и современная музыка. Узбекская поп-музыка. Hg company sing in 14 different languages. Big greetings from Havas family group from Uzbekistan. In 2016 in Mumbai , received a "Golden disc" on the TV show Koran(karan johar) Juhara "DIL Hai Hindustani". The Indian people and fans of Indian songs highly appreciated our creative aspirations. Hope you like it too! Members of the HAVAS group are winners of many international piano and violin competitions. The lead singer Kakhramon of Gulomjonov winner of the state award "NIKHOL" HAVAS: Kakhramon - Vocal (piano) Shakhnoza - Vocal (piano) Dostonbek Vocal (violin) Robiya - Vocal (violin)

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"Galaxy Update S is your go-to channel for the latest and most comprehensive updates on space exploration, astronomy, and scientific discoveries. Join us as we delve into the mysteries of the cosmos, providing engaging and informative content that takes you on a journey through the wonders of the universe. Stay tuned for exciting updates on space missions, celestial events, and groundbreaking research, presented in a captivating and accessible format. Subscribe now and embark on a cosmic adventure with Galaxy Update S!"

Yummy Street Food Videos


Street food, also known as roadside cuisine, is a culinary experience that tantalizes the taste buds with its diverse flavors and vibrant aromas. This gastronomic delight is found in bustling markets, vibrant street corners, and bustling food stalls, offering a wide array of mouthwatering dishes from various cultures and cuisines. From sizzling kebabs and crispy tacos to steaming bowls of noodles and fragrant curries, street food is a treasure trove of culinary delights that showcases the creativity and skill of local food vendors. It's a chance to indulge in authentic flavors, immerse oneself in the local culture, and embark on a culinary adventure that is both affordable and delicious. So, next time you're exploring a new city or craving a quick bite, don't miss the opportunity to savor the wonders of street food.