F15 fighter jets videos and warzone games videos


Description Creating modern cinematic military films using ArmA 3 and DCS as the engine to create the stories and simulations. Military Simulations - Military Comparisons - US Military - Russian Military - Chinese Military - C-RAM System - AC-130 Gunship - A-10 Warthog - Missiles - War Ships- Artillery and many more! Also creating comparison videos with Blender 2.8. I definitely don't want to give the impression that I glorify war, I am just a enthusiastic gamer. Weekly uploads. Subscribe and you won't miss a video. Thank you!



The hiSTORY of FIGHTING Games focuses on the Story within your favourite fighting game. Where most channels focus on bringing you the absolute best of the best when it comes to multiplayer combat or fight guides. We focus on the scraps left at the table when the ravenous sweat hounds have long since left the server to look for the next 45 second challenge. Where did it begin? Where was it going? and is there even other game modes? watch the story with us and check out available bio's. Watch the story of MK1 now and then any other related content to characters within the game and their stories as told by developers.