Exposing The Worldwide Vaxinator Death Jab Depop Agenda


This Channel is to help expose all the lies about the made up boogeyman virus until it was created and now injected directly into the scared and ignorant. Not limited to one country. This is about our fight for freedom as human beings against the evil who knows what they are or where they are from satanic worshipping shitstain unelected fake leaders of the world and all of the bet corrupt uniform military sold out muts [not soldiers] and the corrupted uniforms on the streets in each city disguised as police who are actually corrupt parasites dressed as police.

Government Exposed(Canada & more)

1 Follower

This is to highlight agendas of political parties & joint efforts of parties to attack freedoms. These are stated as "God given rights" for a reason. They are not government priviledge, they are "Universal Human Rights & Freedoms". They government has no right to tell you what you are allowed to believe, how you express yourself, who you can hate, love or disagree with. Our Constitution matters & all laws that limit it unless it is an actual violent act or outright death threat. This is all about controlling your mind, language & human rights because foreign & domestic activists hate our freedom to think for ourselves. If you disagree with me on any topic, please feel free to explain your stance. I welcome the discord & debate because that is what makes us free. I don't respond to name calling because words can't hurt me. If you are sensitive, please go back to yor bubble & let the adults have a mature converstion.