Exopoltical Diplomatic Relations


This Channel Is Dedicated To Sort Things Out With Other and Between Other Intelligent Species Within both Our Galaxy which we inhabit and With ET species from Other Galaxies in the Cosmos. The Vision Of This Channel Is to Establish Peaceful and Constructive Diplomatic Relations With Other Intelligent Life Forms and Beings visiting Planet Earth. Point of View On Conflicts: From my own Experience i noticed that most conflicts occur due to Misunderstanings and Lack of Communication, So therefore its Highly important to Explain too Other Beings why you are doing what you do and Detailed personal point of View on various Things, To prevent Conflicts and most Important, Misunderstandings. Think personally that misunderstandings is Root cause to most conflicts and history in 90% of cases. So Clear and Pure Communications is Always of High Importance. It's really easy to Misunderstand someone and something if you think About it. PS : This Channel Is NOT A Pacifist Channel Promoting Only Peace, If Someone Transgress Earth Boundaries And Its Population Rules Or The Galactic Codex in Any Way. Earth is Not weak and Will Show Peace Through Strength Like Famous And Respected President Reagan Envisioned. But This Channel Main Goals Is To Ensure And Promote Peace and A Beneficial Future for All Beings and Lifeforms Inhabiting this Galaxy and the Cosmos In General. Relevant Links : Peace Through Strength : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1wZuReA-pc Galactic Codex : https://prepareforchange.net/the-event/galactic-codex/ Feel Free to ask or contact on whatever Question you have in Mind. Thank You for Reading, Have A Blessed And Wonderful day.