BardsFM (Official Channel) Verified


War is the teacher, soldiers its students. Faith and Knowledge the greatest weapons of war. Through stories, we reshape the narratives to strengthen our resolve, awaken the truth, expand our vision beyond the limits of the Matrix and bring us closer to God. In the end, God wins. • • • • • • • • ABOUT The Host: Scott Kesterson, of the internationally known podcast BardsFM, discusses how truth, faith & getting back to our centre-point is critical in winning this war on humanity! Scott is also the founder & owner of Xpedition Cafe – producing documentary films & podcasts on the 3 principles of warrior culture: Conviction, Righteousness & Ruthlessness. Scott has had many AMAZING speakers on his explosively popular podcast such as ... • Dr. Sherri Tenpenny • Dr. Lee Merritt • Dr. Larry Palevsky • Dr. Carrie Madej • Dr Eric Nepute • Dr Jim Meehan • Robert F Kennedy Jr • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Del Bigtree of The Highwire & many, many more! Welcome to the Bards FM Family! And always remember ... GODS WINS!!! • • • • • • • • Address: Xpedition Cafe, LLC 780 NW Garden Valley Blvd. #64 Box 133 Roseburg, OR 97471

Peoples Party of Canada (Unofficial Channel) Verified


The People’s Party of Canada’s 4 fundamental values are: \\\\n * Individual Freedom\\\\n * Personal Responsibility\\\\n * Fairness\\\\n * Respect\\\\n\\\\nWe don’t believe that government intervention is a solution for everything. Government should not intervene to solve each and every problem on the road to a utopian and unrealistic vision of society.\\\\n\\\\nWe want smaller government because we support individual freedom and personal responsibility. We have faith in people. We have faith that they have the ability, the dignity and the right to make their own decisions and determine their own destiny.\\\\n\\\\nThe People’s Party will restore Fairness in our country by denouncing the taxes, programs and regulations:\\\\n\\\\n * that protect industries from competition, create barriers to trade and force consumers to pay more for goods and services;\\\\n * that discourage investment, crush private initiative, and the dreams of young entrepreneurs;\\\\n * that force citizens to be content with inefficient government services and prevent private alternatives to emerge;\\\\n * that unfairly distribute wealth from some provinces to others while keeping the recipient provinces in poverty.\\\\n\\\\nThe People’s Party will:\\\\n\\\\n * respect the taxpayers;\\\\n * respect our Constitution;\\\\n * equally respect all regions, provinces and territories;\\\\n * and respect our traditions, our history, and what makes Canada a unique place in the world, without trying to forcibly change it like the current Liberal government is doing.\\\\n\\\\n(The PPC_Unofficial channel is authorized to redistribute Peoples Party of Canada Content. This is NOT an official PPC outlet. Please refer to the Peoples Party of Canada website for official PPC Content)\\\\n

The official Rumble channel for Stansberry Research


The official Rumble channel for Stansberry Research, an independent, subscription-based publisher of financial research, serving individual investors, registered investment advisors, hedge funds, mutual funds, and investment banks. By focusing solely on research, Stansberry Research avoids the many conflicts of interest that are inherent in traditional research and trading firms. For more than twenty years, Stansberry Research has served millions of investors in more than 150 countries around the world, providing in-depth research on stocks, bonds, currencies, real estate, and commodities. Additionally, Stansberry Research offers Stansberry Portfolio Solutions, the easiest way to utilize all of the firms’ research to properly allocate and manage an entire investment portfolio. Based in Baltimore, MD, Stansberry has more than 200 employees including former hedge fund managers, Wall Street veterans, PH.D.s, scientists and dozens of financial analysts.

The Fall Of The Cabal Rumble channel by Larry Lamprey. See PlayList for OFFICIAL videos in order. Verified


ABOUT Fall Of The Cabal channel Copy by Larry Lamprey of The Fall Of The Cabal ----------------------------------------------------------- TIP: If hyperlink text not clickable To GO TO the hyperlink TEXT below SELECT the hyperlink text RIGHT CLICK the selected text for action menu Click Goto ( the hyperlink text ) ----------------------------------------------------------- FallCabalOfficial. The official Rumble channel of Cyntha Koeter and Janet Ossebaard. Join our FallCabal Telegram channel for free daily updates: The Official Fall Of The Cabal website of Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter THE FALL OF THE CABAL official website THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL official website FallCabal Shop. See all the products Fallcabal offers. Make a Donation.